If you fit in this group's description, you can join. (Okay, we don't wan't to be racist or sexist or ageist or classist, so if you're not white, not male, not young, or not Middle-class, I won't kick you out.) If you troll, I will.
I don't expect many to join.
If you do join, I feel really bad for you, because the entire internet is out to troll you. And by that I mean I feel bad for myself, because people assume I'm trolling when I say I'm a Republican Creationist Brony.
You're not doing yourselves any favors with a group title like that.
Though I am not very young I find this group to be the most open-minded people I have ever met.
And I just joined about one minute ago.
The name is singing my song without a doubt.
Finally, a group I've been looking for! Thank you for making this one!
So this group is basically "Anyone from he Bible Belt". Fits me perfectly.
I'm not sure if I'm technically allowed to join, because I'm not a Republican. That's only because the Republican Party doesn't exist outside of the United States of America, though. I figure the Alberta Wildrose Party is a close enough substitute, seeing as we're so conservative that liberals strategically voted for the Conservative Party to keep us from winning the election.
Also, I'm a bit surprised that I don't see RealityCheck here. Then again, he's a Conservative Republican Christian Creationist White Male *Lower-class* *Middle-aged* Brony.
Welcome to the... Herd?
Sadly, I fit all of them.
Okay... not sure why.
Seriously, there needs to be more "love and tolerance" in this fandom.
Your argument seems to be:
"This is a troll group.
Bronies are all trolls because Youtubers are all trolls."
First, this is not a troll group anymore than "Luna is Best Pony" is a troll group. This is a group I made specifically for [see group name] because, as expected, this is an extremely small subgroup of bronies. I'm not trying to be a troll, I'm trying to connect with people in the same situation as me.
If you can't understand that I am a [see group name], well then, perhaps you should learn to be more openminded.
This is a troll group.
95% of people on YouTube are either trolls or dumbasses.
See previous response.
So being open about my beliefs makes me a troll?
How do you feel about the people on Youtube and such that think bronies are just trolls?
Like I said, a troll group.
That's where you are wrong!
I am indeed a Conservative Republican Christian Creationist Middle-class White Young Adult Male Brony.
There isn't a point.
It's a troll group.
I don't see a point to this group.