Season 5 Predictions · 4:39am Apr 3rd, 2015
Season 5 starts soon. Like two days soon. It's almost here! The third Season I will see as it premieres! The second since I started FIMfiction. This is gonna be great.
Okay, so me and a few of my friends play this game where we try to correctly predict things that will be in the next Season and/or Movie. Everyone else rates those predictions by how likely they are, with the more implausible guesses being assigned more points if they turn out to be correct.
2336254 As long as it is evil coffee, I am totally fine with that.
The Irken Armada shall cleanse Arda and your races will be enslaved. Your world shall be turned into a glorious coffee shop planet, where billions of coffee shops make up most of the planet's surface.
Hail, Sauron! Let the lands of Middle-earth burn under your feet as we bring upon the impending doom of all things good!
2108449 To be honest, I don't think anyone else is caught up either....just maybe Anthony? IDK, chat kind of died after you went AFK.
Hey! I just realized now is the perfect time to use this line: You're not dead. Let's have dinner.