Life update · 7:47am May 29th, 2015
Well. I've just sent in a job application to hopefully be apart of a new company. And if I do get the job, the time will be from 4PM- 2AM Mon-Thurs so don't expect to see me on here that much during the week.
trying to be a voice of reason one comment at a time
Well. I've just sent in a job application to hopefully be apart of a new company. And if I do get the job, the time will be from 4PM- 2AM Mon-Thurs so don't expect to see me on here that much during the week.
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I know this is mega late ^^ But thank you so much for watching me, i'm glad you enjoy my stories and hope you continue to!-FE
Oh, hey! Thank you very much for the Watch! I really appreciate it, and I'll keep doing my best to deserve it.
Thanks for the watch!
where were you when i was eating tacos?!
Hey! I just read what you have for your book "A Leaf in the Wind" and I thought it was pretty cool...although I'm not to fond of the perspective being twilights but non the less I enjoyed, nice writing!