• Member Since 18th Aug, 2014
  • offline last seen Aug 29th, 2020

Archive Scribe

There is not much to say about me I am a new writer trying my hand in writing fanfics

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Safon's creations · 12:14am Dec 11th, 2014

Hello everyone. I just recently got an idea and wanted to see what you guys think. I was thinking about drawing up Safon's blueprints for the stuff he invents for Fancy Pants. In them will obviously be a picture but also a few jokes and Easter eggs into Safon's thoughts. Please tell me what you guys think and i'll see if I can make any shortly

Report Archive Scribe · 249 views · Story: The Visitor ·
Comments ( 9 )
  • Viewing 5 - 9 of 9

1561742 I well thanks I'm going back to work so talk to you later plus got to read some war stories because they are awesome and also I just read a love story

1561742 I well thanks I'm going back to work so talk to you later plus got to read some war stories because they are awesome and also I just read a love story

1561742 I well thanks I'm going back to work so talk to you later plus got to read some war stories because they are awesome and also I just read a love story

1561740 Thank you have a good day or night yourself

Yeah but I meant what I said I'll probaly read your story and if I don't sorry I probably forgot by mistake good day or night

  • Viewing 5 - 9 of 9
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