Heya, folks! I'm Jake The Army Guy! I call myself that because my name is Jake, I served 13 years in the US Army, and... well, I think you can figure out the rest.
I'm currently a broke college student living off the government teat. I like to play drums, video games, and occasionally write about ponies. Ain't I interesting?
Flame Fuel(shamelessly ripped off from Bad_Seed_72):
Politics: Aggressively Centrist
Religion: Christian
Best Character: Spike
Best Pony: Applejack
Best filly: Babs Seed
Preferred Ships: MacDash, SoarinJack, SweetieSpike
I also do pre-reading/editing for people who I feel need it/ask me nicely. By all means, drop me a line if you want my advice, but I may be too busy.
Random Shite:
Favorite Movie: Ghostbusters
Favorite TV Shows: Doctor Who, Pony, The Amazing World of Gumball, Criminal Minds
Favorite Video Game: Resident Evil 4
Favorite Band: Metallica
I live. Just been busy/trying to sort things out. Thanks for the note, my dude.
Hope you're still alive, and to meet you sometime.
How you doing?
Hmm, so profound, much edge, totes like the voice of a generation there.
Oh wait thats Alice no rebel like Jesus Cooper. Whoops
Whats that old fart Blackie Lawless up to?