• Member Since 2nd Nov, 2011
  • offline last seen Jun 21st, 2016

The Descendant

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You know that feeling? You know, the feeling that you get when you realize you've forgotten something that is very, very important? It is 10:32 p.m. on Hearth's Warming Eve, and Twilight Sparkle has just gotten that feeling...

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 288 )

:pinkiegasp: I hope this doesn't give me a heart attack; I just survived the end of the world, I don't want to die now... :derpytongue2:

Yes yes triple yes!
Another story from T.D :rainbowdetermined2:

You know that feeling? You know, the feeling that you get when you realize you've forgotten something that is very, very important? It is 10:32 p.m. on Hearth's Warming Eve, and Twilight Sparkle has just gotten that feeling...

^ Spike at the airport.

:rainbowlaugh: I'm sorry, thought just blew into my head right then and there, simply had to say it :D
Happy Apocalypse Day!

That was one of the most heartwarming stories I've ever read...Kudos to you.

Hilarious, but sad all at the same time...

How the hay do you create these feels? I mean seriously...

Just how do you do it??


Not a mother, not a sister, not a friend... but something else, something... indescribable.

If someone DIDN'T D'awwww at this, I will visit their house and beat the D'awwww into their skulls. :twilightsmile:


Hmmm. This feels very... rushed? Not the sort of narrative quality I've come to expect from T.D. at all.

My eyes watered thanks to you! And now I want to ship these two together!
Brilliant work, completly brilliant. Haven't been moved this much by a fic in ages, so thank ou for that. It's a very sweet heart-warming tale
Looking forward for more of you stories, keep up the good work..

I came in knowing exactly what I'd find, and yet you still took me by surprise, with just how well crafted everything was. (Though maybe I should be expecting it by now, after how much of your work I've read...) I loved that the first necklace came up again, too.

This story is heartwarming, accessible to basically any audience, and very relevant (obviously) to the season. If it doesn't rocket its way into the feature box, I'll be very surprised.

Happy holidays to you!

You know, I was about to complain that you uploaded another story before I could read your now second most recent story...

But then I thought, Heck yes! TD uploaded another story!!

*fav'd and thumbs up*

I'll post my thoughts and opinions on this story once I read it.

You my friend are a genuis, how do you write so well, tell me what is your secret? :pinkiehappy:/:trixieshiftright:

“I know, bro! Believe me, I know!” Spike called, dancing upon the bed and waving his arms about frantically. “Oh, uh… try to go limp, bro, go limp!”

“Tell my wife I love her, dude!” Shining called, reaching his foreleg towards the bed and its occupants.

My sides. XD

I laughed:rainbowlaugh:, I cried:fluttercry: and I d'awwwed :twilightsmile:... Pretty darn good range for reading something on Apocalypse day. Simply wonderful story exploring a bit more into the relationship between Twilight and Spike. I really enjoyed the bit about benchmark tests to get the control value of mistletoe....:raritywink:

Edit: Grats on getting featured!

I totally wanted to start my admittedly late day with tears from a story so touching. Thanks. >.>

Oh Ho Ho! And what shall the foal(s) be named... :trollestia:

My friend you have out done yourself with this. Not just by the humor of the first chapter, but also by showing us the relationship between Spik and Twilight; brother/sister, mother/son.

I had to turn on Warhammer 40000 music to prevent the levels of heartwarming to become heartscorching and kill me on the bloody spot. A good piece about the unique bond between Twily and Spike, indeed. Not without its humour (the "… and with that their door flung open, and Spike was dropped between them." part knocked me off the bucking chair:rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:), not without its tricky moments, but the massive showcasing of that bond is undoubtedly its central piece.
I subscribe to practically the same vision of it as shown here near the end of the second chapter. The bond between Twilight and Spike has the traits of one between parent and child, sister and brother and two close friends, but can't be called any one of these separately without ignoring some aspect of it. It's wonderful in its complexity and the overwhelming soul-warming goodness of it all. To me it's nothing short of sacred, deserving of great care, protection and celebration.
Such is the power of pony, to move our souls like few other things ever can.

Oh my gosh, I am so choked up right now. This is so perfect, so adorable. I love it.

Hah! Giddy Twilight, Spike calling Twi's parents Mr. Dad and Mrs. Mom (my favorite part!), Shining and Cadence... Funny and heartwarming! :twilightsmile:

excellent story, as per your usual.

Merry Farging Christmas.

You know, that scene with Shining and Cadance... I had more misgivings during that than I did during the entirety of A Sweet Taste of Cake. It was still amusing, just... I dunno... :unsuresweetie:

But other than that, I have so many feels. So. Many. Feels.

That was amazing. I'm glad I could illustrate for this one! :twilightsmile:

I'm kinda sad it didn't end, 'cause now I have to pay for all of these hookers and blow I put on my credit card...

No dying! I can't afford to lose any readers!

Huzzah! I wanted to have one out for Christmas, and I did it!

Best Apocalypse Day ever! We should do it every year!

I'm very glad that you found it moving. Thanks for reading and commenting!

Thanks for your help, Dag! Now that I'm done with this, I should be able to help with the last two chapters of Of Proses, if you want to pass the links along!

It was sort of a quiet, happy, melancholy thing, huh? I've always thought that none of the labels fit, and I'm glad that my explaining as such worked out. I hope you enjoyed it!

Heh, when you get to be my age, Lucky, you'll have all sorts of experiences and memories to call upon as well.:raritywink:

No need for violence, it's Christmas! Just ask them to D'aaawwwww politely... :twilightsheepish:...

I'll freely admit that this doesn't have the same sweeping scale that most of my stories have, but it was only meant to be a small story. It takes place in five rooms in the space of an hour and forty minutes. It has the lowest reading level of any story I've produced in the fandom, 5th grade. This is all because it was supposed to be a small story that became something much larger than I was expecting, so... yeah, I can see your point. I hope you were able to find something to enjoy in it.

You are most welcome! I always look forward to comments!

I am very glad that I'm still able to write things that surprise you, Gentle. I'm glad that you picked up that earlier reference, too!

Looking forward to your thoughts, as always, Redz!

My secret? I've lived a little longer than most Bronies, and I've written and experienced things for decades. It's simply a matter of having experience in writing... and having experiences and memories to call upon. Thanks for reading!

Glad you enjoyed it, Van!

I'm very glad that you liked it, Ry, as I wanted to be sure to release something heartwarming if it was gonna be my last fic ever!:raritywink:

Hey, I made the Featured Box! Hooray!

You're welcome for the tears!:raritywink:
I'm glad you enjoyed Shining! It's the first time I've used him in a speaking role, so I'm glad he "worked".

I certainly agree... a nice time of year for some quiet and peace... now that my damned shopping is done!

Skyla, apparently...


... fear her.

I strive to outdo myself with each one, Pal! Thanks as always!

That was a remarkably well-worded comment! Thank you so much for sharing it with me. The relationship between Spike and Twilight is the one in the series that I find the most important, of course, and I think you summed up my feelings on it very well!

Thanks so much!

I'm very glad that I was able to supply so "feels"!

I loved the idea of Spike calling Twilight's parents "Mrs. Mom" and "Mr. Dad", as it expresses both familiarity and respectful distance... without me having to commit to names for them!:raritywink:

Thanks as always, Lurk!

I'm glad you did!

I'm kinda sad it didn't end, 'cause now I have to pay for all of these hookers and blow I put on my credit card...

No dying! I can't afford to lose any readers!

Huzzah! I wanted to have one out for Christmas, and I did it!

Best Apocalypse Day ever! We should do it every year!

I'm very glad that you found it moving. Thanks for reading and commenting!

Thanks for your help, Dag! Now that I'm done with this, I should be able to help with the last two chapters of Of Proses, if you want to pass the links along!

It was sort of a quiet, happy, melancholy thing, huh? I've always thought that none of the labels fit, and I'm glad that my explaining as such worked out. I hope you enjoyed it!

Heh, when you get to be my age, Lucky, you'll have all sorts of experiences and memories to call upon as well.:raritywink:

No need for violence, it's Christmas! Just ask them to D'aaawwwww politely... :twilightsheepish:...

I'll freely admit that this doesn't have the same sweeping scale that most of my stories have, but it was only meant to be a small story. It takes place in five rooms in the space of an hour and forty minutes. It has the lowest reading level of any story I've produced in the fandom, 5th grade. This is all because it was supposed to be a small story that became something much larger than I was expecting, so... yeah, I can see your point. I hope you were able to find something to enjoy in it.

You are most welcome! I always look forward to comments!

I am very glad that I'm still able to write things that surprise you, Gentle. I'm glad that you picked up that earlier reference, too!

Looking forward to your thoughts, as always, Redz!

My secret? I've lived a little longer than most Bronies, and I've written and experienced things for decades. It's simply a matter of having experience in writing... and having experiences and memories to call upon. Thanks for reading!

Glad you enjoyed it, Van!

I'm very glad that you liked it, Ry, as I wanted to be sure to release something heartwarming if it was gonna be my last fic ever!:raritywink:

Hey, I made the Featured Box! Hooray!

You're welcome for the tears!:raritywink:
I'm glad you enjoyed Shining! It's the first time I've used him in a speaking role, so I'm glad he "worked".

I certainly agree... a nice time of year for some quiet and peace... now that my damned shopping is done!

Skyla, apparently...


... fear her.

I strive to outdo myself with each one, Pal! Thanks as always!

That was a remarkably well-worded comment! Thank you so much for sharing it with me. The relationship between Spike and Twilight is the one in the series that I find the most important, of course, and I think you summed up my feelings on it very well!

Thanks so much!

I'm very glad that I was able to supply so "feels"!

I loved the idea of Spike calling Twilight's parents "Mrs. Mom" and "Mr. Dad", as it expresses both familiarity and respectful distance... without me having to commit to names for them!:raritywink:

Thanks as always, Lurk!

I'm glad you did!

Have to admit, it really made me reconsider how I view Twi and Spike's relationship...

Well, to get it out of the way, there were a couple things that seemed out of place. They just didn't fit with the rest of the story. Namely, the objects under the stairs and in Twilight's drawer. They killed the mood. They just seemed off, ya know?

But now that that's out of the way... Holy crap, so many feels. You've executed the relationship between Spike and Twilight perfectly. I think this is the 27th time I'm mentioning that you write Spike spectacularly? Yeah, that sounds about right.

Just, so many feels. So many. Nicely done overall, Descy.

1836281>>1836280 Umm…
1: Something is wrong here… :rainbowlaugh:
2: Don't care, violence solves everything that hugz and stairs don't solve. :pinkiecrazy:

This is verry funny, but also very sad. I'm starting to cry and it's just the first chapter.

You too!:twilightsmile:

I was wondering how people would react to that scene. I know you always have critical eye for such, but I can't help but see Cadence and Shining as more... well, carnal, than the Cakes. And, hey, they are a young, healthy, married couple that love each other very much. I'd be worried if they weren't having lots and lots and lots of... well, that...

I understand your concerns though. The same thing is true for the second chapter. The only point of mentioning their "secrets" is to point out how Spike views her. Unlike Rarity, who he places on a pedestal ("Who is that mare you think you see, Spike? Should I be jealous of her?" -Rarity, in On Pins and Needles), Spike sees Twilight as an extension of his own life, and is entirely comfortable with her, as he's comfortable with her seeing him as an extension of herself. That was all that scene was meant to convey.

I remain very, very, very glad that you enjoy my interpretation of Spike, and you can't say it too much. Thanks for reading as always, CS, you know it means a bunch to me!:yay:

D'awwww indeed! Thanks for reading!:pinkiesmile:

You're glad, Anne? I'm simply ecstatic that you could! You saw your name on the first page, right?

I'm glad that I could give you something to ponder!

I see your point on Shining and Cadance. However, it just didn't seem like a scene I'd put in a fic like this. This was a story full of depth, and that scene, well, wasn't. I dunno. It just seemed off. It was still entertaining, though; don't get me wrong. Just a little off, is all.

And yeah, I saw what you were trying to convey. And yeah, it conveys it well. But again, it just seemed out of place.

I'm trying my best, but still can't get the reply system to work for me. It won't show me the "quote" or "modify" buttons all the time, so I'm typing out the comment numbers by hand. It leads to me making mistakes. Sorry about that...

I'm glad that I can supply a number of emotions!

1836390 No prob for me…
But who does this belong to?

I'll freely admit that this doesn't have the same sweeping scale that most of my stories have, but it was only meant to be a small story. It takes place in five rooms in the space of an hour and forty minutes. It has the lowest reading level of any story I've produced in the fandom, 5th grade. This is all because it was supposed to be a small story that became something much larger than I was expecting, so... yeah, I can see your point. I hope you were able to find something to enjoy in it.

Dude, this whole chapter was just to funny:rainbowlaugh: from start to end, and everything in between.

I really liked the Stewie line Twilight used, :twilightsheepish:

“Mom! Mom! Mommy! Mom! Mom! Mommy! Mom!” Twilight called, bouncing up and down at her mother’s side of the bed.

Great Work dude, Great Work!:moustache:

I'll freely admit that this doesn't have the same sweeping scale that most of my stories have, but it was only meant to be a small story. It takes place in five rooms in the space of an hour and forty minutes. It has the lowest reading level of any story I've produced in the fandom, 5th grade. This is all because it was supposed to be a small story that became something much larger than I was expecting, so... yeah, I can see your point. I hope you were able to find something to enjoy in it.

This was gorgeous, soo much awesome. Happy hearth's warming! And for all us humans, Merry Christmas!

Once again, well done sir. Well done indeed.:yay:

I'm glad that you enjoyed the first chapter! I hope you'll find the second just as engaging!:pinkiesmile:

Thanks so much for saying so! Merry Christmas!:twilightsmile:

I do my best! Thanks for reading and commenting!:twilightsheepish:

Oh, I hardly helped at all...

And you'll have those links in mere moments, all 12K of chapter 3. Fun!

Oh the feelings, I really do love your take on Spike & Twilight.

Wonderful as always TD, and congrats once again on the featured box.

You really have a good Spike/Twilight relationship going on through your stories.Keep writing great stories, happy Hearts Warming, and Merry Christmas!

Twilight Sparkle though was feeling, in all honesty, just a little bit giddy.

She reached her neck forward, towards his other hand, and stuck her tongue out towards his candy cane…

“Twi!” he called, drawing it back as her tongue came closer. “Hey, if you want some just…”

She jumped upon the bed, fixing him with a mischievous smirk.

“I’m gonna get your candy cane, Spike,” she whispered.

“Uh oh!” he called, and in one smooth motion he rolled off the bed and began to pelt across the room.

“Gonna get it!” she called, barely hiding the laughter in her voice.


As for the rest of the story, how you come up with some of these descriptions is beyond me, just, wow.

I'm laughing but a little sad for Twilight at the same time.


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