• Member Since 11th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Yesterday



I wrote a filk for "The Maretian" · 1:19pm Apr 28th, 2018

So sit right back
And you'll hear a tale
A tale of a fateful trip
That started from this rocket port
Aboard this pony ship

The Skip was a mighty missile mare
The medic brave and sure
Five astronauts were launched that day
On an inter-system tour
An inter-system tour

They encountered a tiny speck of rock
From their universe they were tossed
If not for the courage of the fearless crew
Amacitas would be lost
Amacitas would be lost

The ship's marooned on the surface of

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Report j-grizz · 251 views ·
Comments ( 138 )
  • Viewing 134 - 138 of 138

Thanks for the favorite on Not Quite Legal, Not Quite Tender. Have an excellent week! :twilightsmile:

And now thanks for the favorite on It's Only Coffee.
Edit 6/16: And now thanks for adding The Perfectiest Plan.

Thank you for checking out my story, Mayor, and adding it to your bookshelves!

Thanks for favoriting Achievement Unlocked: Alicorn Princess.

Edit 3/24: And thank you for adding Electro Swing to your favorites as well.
Edit 4/14: And The Guard of a Different Stripe as well.
3/10/23: and Unchanging Truths a year later!

  • Viewing 134 - 138 of 138
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