• Member Since 23rd Nov, 2017
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Uz Naimat

Aspiring author and artist from Africa. (Patreon!)


A Deep Dive Into Twilight’s Character - Final Thoughts · 6:48pm Sep 7th, 2022

Hiya, lovely peeps!

I have officially ended my 3-part blog on Twilight Sparkle and her relationship with the show’s villains. It went on way longer than I thought it would - what was originally supposed to be a single blog turned out to be three and took more than a week. It required a lot of research. The entire thing composes of roughly 4900 words (counting the quotes) and has, as of July 24th, 2024, amassed 1100 views (counting this blog makes 1611 views).

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Open commissions! Come one, come all! · 2:13pm May 7th, 2022

Hiya, lovely peeps!

It has been forever and a half since I last did anything on the site. My last blog post was written January 30th this year (which is more than 3 months ago), the two unfinished stories I have are currently on an indefinite hiatus, and I have 14 unread chapters in my ‘Later’ list.

But I have an exciting announcement! Drum roll, please...

Uz is proud to announce that, for the first time ever, commissions are now open!

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Support me on Patreon!

Hiya, lovely peeps!

Wanna support my work? Wanna have your name featured front and center here? Wanna gain that warm feeling of helping out a creator?

Then you can support me on Patreon!

It’s $3, ya’ll, and that’s all it’ll ever be. Every dollar is appreciated.

Comments ( 99 )
  • Viewing 85 - 99 of 99

Excuse me while I slap my forehead over my own stupidity.

It was a typo. I’m just used to Ladybugs Awake beinf more popular than Relapse. But thanks for giving both stories a chance! I’ll go edit the comment now.

Your comment initially confused me, since I never read LadybugsAwake, but if it was a trick to read it then job well done. I like and will be adding it to my favorites. Also, it's your story Relapse you were talking about.

You’re very welcome.

Rego #96 · June 16th · · ·

Oh yeah, another profile pic I recognize on the site! Thanks for adding The Perfectiest Plan to your folders and leaving a comment. I hope you enjoyed your time with the sugar overload.

If youʼre talking about Relapse, thank you for the compliment!

Youʼre very welcome. A sequel would be nice, but no pressure.

“Missing scenes” is one of my favorite genres. This was needed.

Hi there, I just wanted to say thank you so much for deeming Unrelenting Conviction worthy of a spot in your Best of Drama shelf!


Wonderful! That makes my day :twilightsmile:

You’re welcome. I also took the liberty of checking out a few more of your stories, and found The Hug to be dark and creepy, yet very entertaining.

Glad you enjoyed Letter to CG's Parents!

Either way is fine with me! I look forward to reading the comment!

You're welcome.

I was planning on leaving a long comment detailing my thoughts on the story. Would it prefer I do in your storyʼs comment section or in a PM?

What Mistakes Tell Us... Best of Drama?! I'm honored! Thank you so much! :scootangel:

Youʼre welcome! It was a really good story.

Thanks for adding "Holiday Parole" to your "Best of Jinglemas" Booklist!

  • Viewing 85 - 99 of 99
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