Latest Stories
- Diamond Tiara is the center of the universe. That’s a fact and there’s no use arguing against it.Element of Malice · 2.1k words · 484 views
- Scootaloo has always dreamed of flying alongside her idol. Today she plans to do just that at any cost.Element of Malice · 8.1k words · 23 0 · 1.3k views
Blog Posts4
17 weeksRegarding a recent post I made.0 comments · 98 views
To those who are aware, a few weeks ago from the date of this blog post, I posted a form on 'The Insane Creator's Guild' titled 'Consider this Goodbye'. When I had posted it I had injected myself with 3 times the prescribed amount of fast acting insulin in hopes to not awaken the following morning. However there were several factors that lead to that failing, including elevated glucose levels, having the weakest version of insulin prescribed, and because my diagnosis of diabetes is so recent, I
70 weeksI just want this to be preserve. A document of my most "fun" weeks.1 comments · 129 views
On Monday, May 8th the entire week was a freaking joyride. It began when I took an unscheduled flying lesson and kissed the pavement winning me a free ambulance ride... (actually, a few hours before that a customer's car at my internship had a poorly torqued tire that fell off on the freeway and my coworker broke a wheel stud torquing a different costumers tire) and as a bonus prize, I received a fractured and dislocated shoulder and an additional fracture on my nose.
138 weeksSeeing this makes me happy. Hope it continues happening.
189 weeksMy inkwell is running dry1 comments · 274 views
I’m getting the sense that my time left on this site is limited before I cap my pen and this becomes a dead account. However, I also hate leaving things unfinished. With my two incomplete stories (and a couple unpublished/unwritten ones) I would like to pass them over to someone else if possible so they have the opportunity to become one with the fandom.
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Oh okay wow that sounds like a lot and are you excited about the new Jurassic Park movie coming out?
Sneaking in phone brakes.
And working...
Oh, I do have a weekly get together with some friends this evening.
How is it going with you today and what are you up to today too?
Yeah your welcome
Thank you for the follow. I am curious to know what prompted you to do so.