
Viewing 1 - 20 of 42 results

Unbelievable! · 7:31pm Apr 9th, 2017

I love myself again... and I love my family and friends... I love you guys so much! :heart: I'm sorry I treated you so badly. Can you ever forgive me?

Report Sky Blue CMC · 199 views · #forgiveness

Sorry For Insulting You. · 11:44pm April 27th

Ok guys I took it too far. I honestly should have known that not everyone likes what I wrote. And the fact that the internet is sometimes a cruel place. In fact it reminded me of a friend named Artist and she went through the same process. So whether you like or dislike it when you read something then I respect your opinion. Again I’m sorry if I offended you. I was so angry and hurt.


Whatever Happened to Forgiveness? · 7:57am Jan 17th, 2016

I guess I have to say this. I'm getting discourage these days about something. Whatever happened to "I'm sorry" and "I forgive you?". I suppose both concepts are dying in this world and it is really discouraging me. I'm even seeing the attitude with bronies on this site.

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Report SciWriter · 412 views · #forgiveness #love #god

Is Twilight Sparkle forgiving? · 7:02am Jan 7th, 2022

I'm having trouble believing that since she did try to kill Tirek and killed King Sombra with no remorse. I know she's forgiven Starlight, Sunset, Stygian, and Tempest before, but after thinking about it, it could be just because they proved useful and she didn’t see them as creatures with feelings, backstories, and motives like everyone else. She also doesn't seem to care about killing in general or believe that killing is wrong and too permanent to fix.

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What have i done. · 10:15pm Nov 1st, 2015

Im so so so so so Sorry for ticking you with Twilight... Once i started i didnt know how to tell you
Asking for your adress was a joke, i asked where you worked so i i was ever in the area i could stop by and say hello, i would never just show up at your house because that is wired, i just wannted to know a city...

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Hi everyone.

I will be short and sweet and say that our judges have requested an extension with the judging, so we'll be selecting a winner on the 25th 27th of July.

And by our judges I mean myself because I've recently started working as a PA for a production, and I am not kidding when I say I'll be working 15 hours a day for nearly a month straight with only 6 days of resting time scattered in between the four weeks.

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Forgive me! · 12:25pm July 13th

I did something that was rather stupid. And… I may have yelled a few choice word take your guess.
I finished the chapter after “An angelic and demonic duo.”
Forgive me.


What If Discord DID Commit Suicide? · 12:14am Jun 18th, 2017

Hey, this is just an open forum to get my thoughts out there. I'm currently working on a much darker explicit version different from "Discord, Don't Die"

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Report KIDX · 2,158 views · #Suicide #Discord #Forgiveness #Sad #Dark

Sunset Shimmer and ToonKriticY2K · 5:49am Mar 6th, 2018

I'm expecting backlash for this post. Please read until the end before commenting.

I was not involved with the whole ToonKritic situation. I learned about it in late January when the brony analyst friends were responding to the misinformation and accusations as a result of leaked information before anyone was ready to make public statements. At first, I didn’t want to believe it, but seeing Josh Scorcher’s tumblr posts convinced me that, yes, he was guilty of these things.

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Does Anybody Else Agree With This? · 11:44pm Jun 18th, 2022

Disclaimer: Disclaimer: This was written in a similar vein to one of Rebecca Sugar's interview about Steven and Spinel from Steven Universe: The Movie. I may also have gotten things wrong about this, so please let me know if I did and why. You have been warned.

My Fan-Made Interview


Rememberance + rant · 1:47pm Nov 13th, 2016

(I've tagged my story I wrote for last year's commemoration)

We ALL live on borrowed time, not because life is finite: but rather because somebody has died to allow us to live.

*RANT* [edit]

People of all creeds, faith and race died across both World Wars along with those afterwards.

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All is forgiven Hasbro · 1:47am Mar 25th, 2018

Never let it be said that I hold grudges. I mean, I do, but DON'T NOBODY SAY NOTHIN! GOT IT!? Ahem. . . I just got through watching the two opening episodes of season 8 of MLP, and I can honestly say that I love them. I still hate the movie, and just thinking about it makes me want to spit acid and strangle puppies. But I am willing to forgive it, if only because it created the setup for teaching of one of the most wonderful lessons in the show yet, and one I fear is badly needed in the time we

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I must apologize · 7:22pm Jun 12th, 2019

So a lot of real life stuff has happened. So I must take this time to say sorry to everyone I was talking to about various things on here. I did not mean to just up and vanish, honestly. I plan to be back on more often, and I have more stories to come. Ones that will hopefully be better than my current little one shot heh.

Thank you for your understanding-


Apologies for Delay - Phoenix Update · 10:53pm Jan 21st, 2023

Hello, my lovely readers. I just wanted to extend an apology for the delay in publishing of the next chapter of Star Trek: Phoenix, as health, as always, has been an issue in its delay. That said, the chapter is finished, we're just going through some final editing, and we hope to be done within the next couple of days. We may move back to Mondays for the posting date, so that SDR2 and Phoenix don't share the same day for posting.

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Shipping: Yay or Nay? · 10:02pm Mar 21st, 2017


God's Love is Backwards. · 4:33pm Oct 25th, 2019

God's ways are so different from ours, and thank God for that! Whenever a child does something good or praiseworthy, good parents will be proud of them. But whenever we go to God in our brokenness and our sinfulness, when we have totally messed things up and it is completely our own fault, God loves us all the more.

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The Harrison Situation, Book Delta: Dexter Side · 4:49am Sep 11th, 2021


The Return of BUWH is postponed · 1:49am Mar 6th, 2021

Hello, everyone! Last month, I said that my debut fanfic, BUWH, the pony with hope will have a sequel and it will be published to all of you in early March. However, there is a bad news. The publish of sequel of my debut fanfic is postponed. I am expecting that the sequel fanfic would be published in late March or very early April. I am so sorry about that I had to delay the publish of the sequel. I apologize to all of you.:fluttershysad::ajsleepy:

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Announcment: No new chapters for a while. · 2:59am Aug 1st, 2016

SO, I apologize for this, but there will be no new chapters for a while. (With the exception of the one that's currently being edited) This is because the internet on my iPad, which is what I normally do my FIMfiction stuff on, has decided to conk out on me. it. Is. Dead.:fluttercry: I can still comment and put blog posts out, because I have access to a computer with internet, but I can't post chapters, because they are all in my iPad. I greatly apologize for this inconvenience everypony. I

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Quitting. · 8:57pm Oct 10th, 2018

This is the end. I've had enough...all stories as of tomorrow will be removed and deleted. Being accused of being a thief and of being a liar is the last straw. I don't mind negative comments or reviews or anything else but if I get called names for doing two friends a favour.....I'm done. There's nothing left to say, except thank you those who have tried to appreciate that I did this as a hobby and all I wanted was to tell stories. Garfield23 and Spike2000 guys I don't blame you and there's

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 42 results