• Member Since 26th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen Yesterday


About me... well, a little about me.

About Me
Age: 30
Sex: Male

Things you can expect to see in my stories; WTF moments, things you don't like, a sample of my twisted sense of humour.
Things you can expect to see in my mature stories; Bondage (lots of it), the odd unusual pairings, messy sexy.
Things you will not see in my stories; Incest, perma-futa.

Obligatory Brony Test results.

Latest Stories


Yes, I'm still alive. · 9:21pm July 3rd

Hey, peeps.

Been a long time. Lots of changes. Biggest one today.

My boy Atkins went over the rainbow bridge, where there are endless fields filled with squirrels for him to chase.

Report Lucky424 · 52 views ·
Comments ( 346 )
  • Viewing 342 - 346 of 346

Love your work

Adorable OC Lucky

Hey lucky424 just heads up some spelling error s in your story not mad just confuseing to read sometimes but good work other wise

  • Viewing 342 - 346 of 346
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