• Member Since 17th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen Feb 22nd, 2021


I'm a guy who gets bored at work and writes about ponies. Sometimes it's clop, sometimes it's action and adventure. Hopefully I'm not terrible at it. Rarity is best pone.


Spoilers: I'm not dead · 7:57am Dec 7th, 2017

So this has been a fun week.

In my last post I said I was being kept in the hospital to monitor my heart for some unknown abnormality, in addition to a possibly broken foot due to passing out thanks to severe dehydration from a particularly nasty flu.

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Report Drefsab · 1,438 views · Story: Just Before the Dawn ·

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Comments ( 133 )
  • Viewing 129 - 133 of 133

Nov 13th, 2022
Hi Drefsab, just came by to wish you well, hope to hear from you.
Best regards Guard M

Feb 19th, 2023
Yeah, not gunner flood Drefsab's front page with "Hello's". But I will repeat my wish, I hope all is well with you Drefsab, hope to hear from you.

Hope all's good with you.

Don't know what's up with you, but I hope you'll come back someday, whether that's just to check in and see all of the well-wishes or with some content ready to consume.

I hope you are well, and hope to see you back

Hey drefsab I hope your alright, ive been off and on reading just before the dawn for a while now and recently caught up and it was amazing the whole time during the read, i love it i hope your doing alright and continue the story when you can be safe out there wherever you are

  • Viewing 129 - 133 of 133
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