• Member Since 23rd Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago


I like ponies.

Comments ( 20 )
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Thank you for the favorite on The Dreamer and Me.

Thanks for having added my more.. Hmm, let's say mature romance story, The Return of Anon, to your favorites. I'll hope you you keep enjoying it. :heart::rainbowkiss:

Thanks for the favorite!

Thanks for the fave.

Thanks for reading and enjoying "Every Five Hundred Years." I really appreciate it! :twilightsmile:

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.hack Quantum · 2:11am Mar 3rd, 2014

So I noticed there's yet another new .hack show on Netflix. Remembering this series all the way back from high school, I decided to check out the first episode, out of idle curiosity. It's a pretty cool premise: A neural-interface MMORPG that's massively popular turns out to have a dark secret in its programming, and upon being attacked by a mysterious enemy in the game, players go into comas in real life.

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Report Tinandel · 451 views ·

.hack Quantum · 2:11am Mar 3rd, 2014

So I noticed there's yet another new .hack show on Netflix. Remembering this series all the way back from high school, I decided to check out the first episode, out of idle curiosity. It's a pretty cool premise: A neural-interface MMORPG that's massively popular turns out to have a dark secret in its programming, and upon being attacked by a mysterious enemy in the game, players go into comas in real life.

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Report Tinandel · 451 views ·

.hack Quantum · 2:11am Mar 3rd, 2014

So I noticed there's yet another new .hack show on Netflix. Remembering this series all the way back from high school, I decided to check out the first episode, out of idle curiosity. It's a pretty cool premise: A neural-interface MMORPG that's massively popular turns out to have a dark secret in its programming, and upon being attacked by a mysterious enemy in the game, players go into comas in real life.

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Report Tinandel · 451 views ·