• Member Since 12th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago


Sibling writer and platonic love connoisseur. Cuddlefic Specialist. Analysis and fanfiction in dangerously wholesome G dosages. Support me on Kofi!

Author ID

I go by NavelColt. I've been into colored horses since 2012, and I've been writing since I was a teen. I write Slice of Life, with Comedy or Drama as secondary genres, because I like to focus on characters, their emotions, and their interactions in my writing. Beyond that, I've carved out a niche for myself by focusing a lot on platonic love and sibling relationships.

Also, lots and lots of changelings. :moustache:

You can also find me on Twitter and DeviantART, where I commission art.

Ponder Cloud is (C) to me
ID artwork by geekinscomics
Banner/Ko-fi ad artwork by PaintedSnek
FAQ artwork by RacingWolf

Worldbuilding Workout—A Newsletter for Nerds, by a Nerd!

I'm prolific with blog writing as well as horse fan fiction! I run an analysis blog/newsletter that explores cartoons and other popular media called Worldbuilding Workout. It posts 2-3 times a month and is free to subscribe to! Give it a read and see if it's for you!

Author Plug

If you'd like to support my writings, please consider tips via Ko-fi!

I use tips to commission more artworks and give back to our awesome fandom.

Author FAQ

Do you take commissions?
Not anymore, unfortunately. I've moved on from MLP writing and begun work in other fandoms and on my own original book. Sorry!

Do you ever continue stories on hiatus?
I've since marked hiatus stories as cancelled after having moved on from MLP writing, I'm afraid.

Can I do a live reading of your story?
Of course. I've received this question a few times before, and I'm always honored. I always create a blog promoting your live reading and channel once it's published. :)

Feelium Levels: Maximum

Great One-Offs

Welcome to the Feelscape!

Snugs are Drugs for Bugs


KoLB is for Sale! Come Get your Hugging Bugs in Physical Print! · 12:37am Oct 13th, 2021

Please PM me if you are interested in purchasing a copy for yourself. KoLB is currently link-only access for security purposes. Price info below. :heart:

Hello, everyone. Welcome to KoLB's last major blog update. :pinkiesad2:

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Comments ( 162 )
  • Viewing 158 - 162 of 162

Ahh, thanks!

I was with AlwaysDressesInStyle both times you talked with him :) You're welcome and thanks!

I'm afraid at the moment I'm forgetting just which person I met at PVCF you were, but hi on FIMFiction and thanks for the follow!

Thank you for being a friend of Josh. :heart:

Thank you for the follow!:twilightsmile:

  • Viewing 158 - 162 of 162
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