
Viewing 1 - 20 of 218 results

Discord server · 2:19pm Oct 6th, 2017

I run a Discord server dedicated to book and ebook design, production and printing. Click the image to join:

Report djazz · 534 views · #ebook #book #printing #print

Printed Perfection: Elevate Your Ideas with Expert 3D Printing and Designing · 3:07pm February 5th

In the dynamic intersection of creativity and technology, expert 3D printing and designing stand as the catalysts for turning imaginative concepts into tangible reality. This article delves into the world of printed perfection, exploring how the collaboration between expert 3D printing services and advanced design solutions is not just shaping innovation but elevating ideas to new heights.

The Evolution of 3D Printing Expertise:

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Past Sins Second Print · 10:37pm Jul 21st, 2014


Print Run Updated: Funded! · 8:43pm Feb 2nd, 2019

Hey everypony, quick update on the Message in a Bottle print run campaign! About three hours after the project was announced, it was fully funded, how awesome is that?

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Fifty Shades of Landfill · 6:01am Mar 24th, 2016

A follow-up to my post Fifty Shades of Marketing, in which I explained how Fifty Shades of Gray was marketed through the roof after publishers misinterpreted "2 million hits"--which translated to about 10,000 readers (2 million hits, divided by {2 hits per chapter, times 2 to account for re-reads and page refreshes, times 75 chapters when that count was made} = 6666 readers)--as "millions of readers".

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Report Bad Horse · 979 views · #print #marketing

Fine Print: Indiegogo · 12:59am Apr 19th, 2021

Hey pones, I'll be brief with this one. Just wanted to make sure everybody knew that we're doing a hardcover version of Fine Print! The campaign is running now and for the next month. The book will have all the illustrations from the fimfiction edition (over 50!) along with an original short story serving as an extended epilogue for how Tracy and Roseluck have done a year after the story ends.

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Looking Glass on YouTube and book update · 5:05pm Dec 13th, 2018

Ugh so writing is just going awfully. Major burnout caused by a series of shitty things irl. Overall my mental health has been more stable these past months than it used to be, but still just had a few big hits that have fried me. This isn’t gonna affect the release of Playing House act 2 ‘cause that’s all written, but act 3 is gonna be delayed :ajsleepy:

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Report Krickis · 468 views · #audiobook #printing

Looking Glass book now available! · 2:33pm Jan 5th, 2019

EDIT: This book is temporarily out of print because Lulu introduced new options which will allow me to sell the color version at a reasonable price. As a result, I decided to pull it until I have time to make a few fixes and put it back out at a drastically reduced price. If you're interested in buying this book, leave a comment and I'll know to get my ass in gear and do the things I need to do!

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Report Krickis · 1,573 views · #book printing

Style versatility comes free with a canvas · 8:48am Mar 12th, 2023

Printing your digital photos is stimulating! There’s nothing quite like the feeling of noticing your photography beautifully printed and on exhibit in your home or office. Although we present a diverse collection of canvas art we want to concentrate on the advantages of canvas printing since it is, after all, a big part of what’s assisted us grow to become everyone’s favorite.

Style Versatility

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Project: Sunflower book · 7:26pm Jul 23rd, 2017

I've launched the printing project of the fic Project: Sunflower by Hoopy McGee. You can read more about it in my Project Harmonics forum post. :twilightsmile:


Project: Sunflower book arrivals · 8:26pm Dec 10th, 2017

Post pictures/videos of your book arrivals here! Ereader pics are also welcome! For images, you can use imgbox, imgur or some other online image hosting service.

I'll start... with my pony book collection!

Now it's your turn!


Message in a Bottle (Part 2) Print Run · 3:04pm Dec 2nd, 2019

Hey pones, got something super exciting to share with you today! So way back in April, I ran a publishing project for Message in a Bottle, one of my most successful stories ever. In the end, we printed almost two hundred copies for that print run, shipping to fourteen countries.

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Fine Print Hardcover: 3 days left! · 12:26am May 15th, 2021

Hello everyone! Just thought I'd drop one final reminder that the Fine Print hardcover adaptation is nearing the end of its funding period. The book was funded on the first day, but if anyone reading this has been putting it off, time is about to run out.

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Prepartions Complete · 12:18am Jun 12th, 2016

Just today, I finished proofreading Chapter 13, the final chapter of Volume 1 of The Lost Element. The first volume is ready for printing. I'll be looking into where and how to get it printed soon and will keep everyone updated. Any and all advice on how to go about it for a first-timer will be appreciated.

Report Humanity · 585 views · #fanfic printing

Printed version of "The Monster Below" Update 3 - Editing Has Resumed · 6:12am Aug 10th, 2016

Hi Everyone

Just wanted to give a quick update on the printed version of The Monster Below. With Nightfall and a script I was working on now complete, editing has resumed, and should be steady from here on out.

Next update will come when Bathroomstahl and I are halfway done.


Nightmare Nights: A horror anthology · 4:28am Sep 25th, 2016

Hey everyone. I'm taking a break from being hard at work mildly focused on writing to post about something I'm pretty excited about.

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Report Flashgen · 735 views · #Anthology #Horror #Printing

Printing complications · 5:38am Jul 6th, 2016

I'm afraid that I have made a discovery about the printing process of Lulu that has me concerned for this project.

After properly scaling the first volume's word document into a PDF, I have found that the word count will exceed the maximum limit of a book to be printed on This will require the first volume to be split into two books, and this will only grow with later volumes as they are longer.

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Fallout: Equestria 3rd print · 6:49am May 16th, 2017

I recently recieved my copy of the FoE 3rd print, and this is the most beautiful book I have ever seen! It's truly a work of art. It's even more special to me since I helped with some of the formatting of it.
I want to say a big thank you to the rest of the Fallout: Equestria Print Project, and Kkat for writing this amazing story.

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Report djazz · 618 views · #book #print #fallout equestria

Looking Glass illustrations decided on! · 2:07am Feb 16th, 2021

So I figured out what scenes to illustrate in Looking Glass! Click the read more to see which scenes I'm going to illustrate, and don't click the read more if you want to be surprised when reading the book lol

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Reminder of Print Copies · 11:50pm Feb 13th, 2021

Just a reminder that if anyone wants a Print Copy of my SunFlower saga, they can find it at Lulu right here.

Report I-A-M · 226 views · #SunFlower #Print Copy
Viewing 1 - 20 of 218 results