• Member Since 14th Jun, 2014
  • offline last seen March 1st


More Blog Posts4

  • 345 weeks
    Project: Sunflower book arrivals

    Post pictures/videos of your book arrivals here! Ereader pics are also welcome! For images, you can use imgbox, imgur or some other online image hosting service.

    I'll start... with my pony book collection!

    Now it's your turn!

    26 comments · 1,887 views
  • 355 weeks
    Discord server

    I run a Discord server dedicated to book and ebook design, production and printing. Click the image to join:

    0 comments · 535 views
  • 365 weeks
    Project: Sunflower book

    I've launched the printing project of the fic Project: Sunflower by Hoopy McGee. You can read more about it in my Project Harmonics forum post. :twilightsmile:

    0 comments · 571 views
  • 375 weeks
    Fallout: Equestria 3rd print

    I recently recieved my copy of the FoE 3rd print, and this is the most beautiful book I have ever seen! It's truly a work of art. It's even more special to me since I helped with some of the formatting of it.

    Read More

    5 comments · 618 views

Discord server · 2:19pm Oct 6th, 2017

I run a Discord server dedicated to book and ebook design, production and printing. Click the image to join:

Report djazz · 535 views · #ebook #book #printing #print
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