The Last Enemy—Thoughts on Starscribe's Knight of Wands · 2:47am Jul 29th, 2019
Trigger warnings:
1. Spoilers. Many, many spoilers. Read Starscribe's Last Pony on Earth series for the rest of the context.
2. Religion, and my opinions about it.
Trigger warnings:
1. Spoilers. Many, many spoilers. Read Starscribe's Last Pony on Earth series for the rest of the context.
2. Religion, and my opinions about it.
Hey pones, hope you all had some great holidays!
This last month was a sacred time for writers everywhere, NANOWRIMO. I won! That probably isn't a shock to anyone who can see how many chapters I post in a typical month, but I digress. I'll talk a little bit about that at the end, since I know plenty of people just want to quickly check in with pony-related plans.
Hey pones, forgot about this again, but better late than never! Here's the repost of my Patreon monthly update, for those curious about what's going on this month.
Hey pones! It's that spooky time of the year again, and time for a spooky list of updates. Last month several stories came to an end, which means time for several more to take their place. As one story ends, another begins. Somehow I'm still on this wild ride.
Hey everypony, just wanted to post this quick announcement about a new weekly story that's going onto the roster: Child of the Invasion.
Hey pones, just wanted to let everyone know that I've posted a new story. Anyone who enjoyed Synthesis, or who is interested in emergent intelligence and AI in general will probably enjoy this story as well.
This state of the scribe will be separated into two parts--the usual updates on the calendar for the upcoming month, then a few thoughts from me about my work here on Fimfiction in general. But we're getting hit with so many new stories this month that I thought it would be better to put my more general thoughts into its own entry. Expect that tomorrow.
Hey pones!
I'll try to keep things short this month, since I've been running long in the last few. Forbidden Places is in its final act, Sisters of Willowbrook is still only just begun, so both of those are trundling on. As far as monthly stories, Return to Sender is nearing its conclusion... after literal years of monthly updates. I guess you can write a whole novel 2000 words at a time. It just takes... forever.
Hey everpone, quick update here (and crazy, twice in the same week). But Zutcha's been working overtime with these covers, so both these new stories get to transition here from Patreon in just a few days.
Hey everypony, hope you all had a fantastic January. I know it was a blast for me--got a few new stories out there, worked on some really awesome stuff.
Sorry about how weird this one looks. I don't have my computer right now, so I'm kinda writing this update on my phone. I should be back to having a computer by Saturday hopefully, but in the meantime, I'll keep this brief.
Hey everypone, coming in with the monthly update for January. Lots of excitement to be had in this month, and you can all probably see. Let's get right into it.
It's been another year! I hope everyone survived, I know it was a rough one for me. But here we are at the start of a new one. Hopefully a better one than the year we just left behind. Let's see what exciting things are waiting for us!
Happy spooks to all pones out there. I'll get right into the Calendar, since there's not as much wild and reckless changes for this one. Thanks to all those who voted on the poll last month. The results suggest I should share information about stories I think I related to my usual writing, so I'll continue to do that in little ways.
Hey everybody, here with this month's state of the scribe and some updates on the schedule. I'll be quick this time, though there's certainly some exiting stuff happening this month.