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How do I plan to do this? · 10:59pm Apr 27th, 2016

Thank you for reading my only good story. I hope to publish at least one chapter every week, and two every three weeks once summer vacation starts.
I have nine chapters written for it that I haven't published yet. I hope that, by giving myself so many to put up on rainy days, I'll be able to make to the end of the school year without missing a post.

Report HypernovaBolts11 · 323 views · #Schedule

Two Week Interval Shift · 3:25pm Mar 19th, 2016

The title pretty much says it all. Starting tomorrow, I'm actually publishing chapters every one week instead of three. Just wanted to let you all know!


Let's bring you up to speed. · 9:10pm Oct 18th, 2015

Well, I have already written the next chapter and it's just got an editing pass to endure before I release it next Friday. I think you guys may like the next few chapters, I'm exploring some... different themes than usual. :pinkiecrazy: spooky sounds.

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My schedule for the next 2-3 weeks · 6:41pm Mar 16th, 2018

I won't be on the site over the weekend, but on Monday of next week, I'll post the new chapter of The Pony of Vengeance. After that, I'll work as hard as I can on other priorities, but on Saturday next week, I'm going to Texas for spring break and won't do much of anything on the site for a week. After spring break, I'll get right back to writing.

Report BradyBunch · 319 views · #Schedule

New update schedule for Friendship Materia · 4:12pm May 19th, 2016

You may have noticed by now that Friendship Materia has stopped updating daily. I'm still writing daily at the moment, but I have decided to go with a 1/week update schedule. I have a new prereader, Queuefka Palazzo, who is taking the time to help me improve the quality of the story before it reaches your eyes, and I would also like to develop a backlog so that updates will be less random and unpredictable when life is. As long as I am

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Report Istaran · 332 views · #scheduling

My update schedule. · 4:44am Jun 15th, 2015

I will be trying to make a new chapter once a week, updating on Thursday. This week, however, I will be updating on Sunday. In other words, I am currently typing the last bits of the chapter so I can upload it immediately. Regarding the story, any humor in it will probably be few and far between. If I see an opportunity, I might take it, but I won't be going out of my way to set up a joke.

Report DawningJade · 256 views · #schedule

Schedule Proper · 1:38am May 23rd, 2021

Alright, it has come to my attention that I don't have a proper schedule in place for updating, so I might as well make one now.

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Report TwinAttorney864 · 210 views · #schedule

I'm going to have my wisdom teeth be taken out tomorrow. · 6:37pm Apr 4th, 2018

Goodness, this is gonna hurt once I wake up from my drugs. So for the next three or four days I won't be able to do anything productive. I'm sorry. More of my story delays. Frickin' Braden. Always so delaying.

Report BradyBunch · 267 views · #Schedule

News concerning Code Lyoko EG (It's good news, don't worry) · 5:46pm Aug 19th, 2015

I'm really into this story, as is everyone else it seems. I've decided that to keep it going I'm going to not only devote most of my time to this story (with maybe some other ones on the side) but I'm guaranteeing all of you at least one new chapter/episode of Code Lyoko EG per week. I've figured out basically where the story is going to go for the most part, so anything else is open to change along the way, which is how I prefer it.

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The Future of Updates · 11:27am Feb 28th, 2017

I have a strange relationship with schedules. I'd prefer to keep one, but I hate having to restrict myself to posting within a certain timezone to get attraction to my story, as well as finding time to write; It's stressful. With Bushkeeper, as some of you may have noticed, I do like to keep up with a daily update of 2,000 words.

Unfortunately, you may have also noticed something in the A/N about classwork, with AP work preventing updates for four days.

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Report Odd_Sarge · 359 views · #bushkeeper #schedule

Expected update schedule for Splintershard · 6:34am Jun 12th, 2020

Alrighty now, it's been a while since I've tried to have a legit update schedule.

I've got some chapters stocked up ahead of time, so hopefully that'll give me a good buffer in case things happen. Now, on to the schedule!

I'll try my best to publish once a week every Wednesday. If I start missing the schedule and/or posting chapters late, then that means I'm either too busy to write, or I've been slapped in the face hard by writer's block.

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Bronycon meetups & other info · 3:54pm Jul 3rd, 2016

PANELS: I'm on 3 panels at Bronycon:

Friday 6:30 PM, Planets: Advanced Writing, wi Wanderer D, Skywriter, Pascoite, & Bradel
Friday 8:00 PM, Chaos: Sadfics, wi Pascoite & GaPJaxie
Sat 1:00 PM, Hall of the Sun: Intro to Screenwriting (I am unqualified for this talk, but GaryOak will be in charge)

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Report Bad Horse · 898 views · #Bronycon #schedule

Upcoming Hiatus · 9:46pm Mar 21st, 2016

Hi, guys. Just a quick announcement that there's going to be a brief story hiatus over my spring break, from Thursday, March 24, 2016, to Sunday, April 3, 2016. To make up for this, I will publish chapters on Wednesday, March 23, 2016, and Monday, April 4, 2016. Upcoming chapters (around the chapter 9 mark, because I'm ahead of schedule) might be a little shorter than usual because of the lost time.


Happy President's/Princesses' Day! Here's a Quick Scheduling Update. · 6:21pm Feb 15th, 2016

Alright, guys, so you're probably wondering why my updates to The Perfect Job are suddenly spacing out. The answer is actually quite simple.
When I joined FIM Fiction last month, I was on a 10-day break from school due to a large blizzard in my area. I had a lot of time on my hands, and barely any homework. So naturally, I was posting a lot more frequently than I normally would. Plus, I had that new hype of joining the site, so I was determined to build up some momentum. You know?

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Report Discord Fanatic · 354 views · #schedule #OC

Story Updates · 1:24am Mar 18th, 2018

Hello everyone,

As most of you know, I had a pretty severe health scare last fall, and another one back in January, that deeply cut into my writing time. Good news is, after getting a minor procedure done I feel better than I have in about two years. However, at my new job I am working most Saturdays so my time is still limited but better than it was.

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Happy Easter! · 6:49am Apr 11th, 2023

Happy Easter everyone! I've spent this long weekend driving for an ungodly amount of time to be able to spent time back with the rest of my family.

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Report GardenCanary · 203 views · #Easter #Scheduling

The Shadow and the Star - Chapter Scheduling · 10:06am Sep 18th, 2021

As you very likely know, The Shadow and the Star is continuing thanks to your support, but I am still undecided on exactly how many chapters I want to write for it. It should be anywhere from seven to eleven, depending on how much material I end up needing to write for my plans. Really don't feel like five will cut it now, but it could also only be seven. For my schedule on how I want to release these chapters, anywhere from 1-4 chapters will be released each month depending on my

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Report Misty Shadow · 140 views · #story #schedule

September Update Schedule · 10:21pm Aug 31st, 2015

Before I get this blog started, I'll like to announce that Saiyan of Equestria's chapter 66 will be updated tonight. Now that the fan has been taken care of before it went full blast on my life. This blog is a Update Schedule I will attempt to, in the best of my ability, complete chapters for the following stories on the following weeks.

1st Week of September there will be no updates, possibly me working on the stories, but no updates. *Finished*

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Report Boyzilla · 360 views · #Update Schedule

I'll try and keep Twilight Finds Herself in Gen. 1 updated at least once a week. · 11:02pm Nov 28th, 2016

It's just a bit hard to write certain parts without blatantly ripping off the original episodes.

Report TheMajorTechie · 370 views · #update #schedule

Milestone 5-6: 1000 Views and 100/200 Likes · 11:34pm Apr 5th, 2017

I should've done this earlier, but I think I got caught up in writing updates for you guys.
Have I done something like this before? I don't think I have.

46 days.

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Report Odd_Sarge · 381 views · #bushkeeper #schedule
Viewing 1 - 20 of 666 results