• Member Since 16th Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen Mar 10th, 2020



I knew I'd forgotten something! · 11:53pm Dec 29th, 2012

Man, December is a busy month! It's been wall to wall, first with exams, then with family. Blarg, writing! Blarg, etiquette!
Anyway, waaaaay back when in The Land of 21 Days Ago I was invited to the podcast of one Roy Hankins, one half of the power-duo in charge of The Brony Bookclub Podcast (GREAT SHOW, like, subscribe, comment, critique).

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I know that you are likely gone forever from the fandom—as tends to happen with the fleeting nature of the internet—but should you ever pop back in, please know that at the very least, you had a great impact on one person. Timelords & Terror and Mines of Dragon Mountain were two of the first fics I read in this world, and they greatly inspired me to try my own hand at writing. I even used your Tirek lore from Mines as a creation myth in my own fic!

Whatever you may have moved on to, I know you will succeed at it. Stay awesome, my dude, and see you out in the real world, Space Cowboy.

Hope to see you back soon

I lost you after I finally made an account of here like... 2 years ago, and stiopped tracking my stories by memory. Found you again... and the hiatus is still going! :raritydespair:
YU do this?!

Love your stories. Cant for for more

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