• Member Since 30th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen Jul 9th, 2022


Hello there, I'm a slightly original writer trying his best to improve and meet unreasonable deadlines, that are already due.


Update · 7:40am Dec 3rd, 2017

I’m trying but getting nowhere.
I’m still here. I’m still alive, but yeah it’s been one thing after another for awhile.
I’ll do what I can.
Sorry guys.

Report TheAlmightySage · 440 views ·

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Comments ( 96 )
  • Viewing 92 - 96 of 96

Thank you for the favorite! It is an honor!

I'll do a blog post. Tomorrow as soon as I can.

Any chance of updating Apples And Wheat?

1996776 The south borders on Siria. There is a war raging there.

I imagine it depends on where in Turkey you go.

  • Viewing 92 - 96 of 96
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