Hey everyone, it's been a while. · 2:05am May 8th, 2024
Howdy all,
How is everyone? It's been a very, very long time since I've been active in the community. Since 2012, my life has gone in many directions, took many twists and turns, and I've definitely grown and become a new person. I followed a new career, had my heart broken, got married even. But through it all, one thing never changed. I never stopped writing.
That's fine.
I understand completely.
Hey! Last couple weeks became suddenly very busy for me so I only just got the chance to check back in here. I'll take a look now!
I don't mean to be pushy at all, but did you see the rest of the feedback I gave on The Outlaw, The Star, and the Big, Big Sky?
Who know when I'll get to it, but that will be the very next thing I write before attempting anything else.
I look forward to reading your new version!
No worries man, happy to help