• Member Since 13th Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen May 5th, 2015

The Good Brony

FoE fan. xbox gamer The Good Brony


Diablo 2 · 8:45pm May 12th, 2013

Does anyone else play Diablo 2?

Report The Good Brony · 513 views ·
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1087073 i couldn't have said it better myself. :ajsmug:


744001 no problem. :pinkiehappy: and i like your drawings!
(drawings? art? stuff? yeah ill go with stuff. drawing would mean paper and pencil/pen right?) :twilightblush:
maybe I'm being to literal? either way, i like them, and they are better than what i can do. /)

Thanks for the fav and the watch! APoaDC is currently under MASSIVE reworkings (like, 220k word worth) right now. Progress has been slow since my computer died, but eventually it'll get out! Check out my DA page, if you'd like, too. I sometimes do requests.(link on userpage)

Thank you kindly for the fav on New Roam Innovatus. :twilightsmile:

  • Viewing 87 - 91 of 91
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