• Member Since 12th Jan, 2013
  • offline last seen Oct 25th, 2014



Apologies · 5:27am Mar 28th, 2014

To anyone who happens to be following me, and might possibly be wondering where the hell my usually regular-ish story updates are:

I greatly apologize for the massive delays. Omega Entry Four is almost set to be posted, but one of my editors has been slammed with school-work, and is expecting to get it back to me in the coming days.

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Report Cooperdawg · 425 views · Story: Fallout Equestria: Redemption ·
Comments ( 10 )
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I do hope you’re alright I hope nothing has happened.

Thanks for the Fav!:rainbowlaugh:

535457 simple. promote the group and add stories to folders. we're the smallest FOE group so far, and I want to fix that.

oh, and thanks xD Should have put that in the first one.

ah, ok. That clears that question up. Cool, just let me know what you're expecting from me. Also, my internet is pretty much off and on until this thursday (We are finally switching our damn provider, THANK GOD), so I'm not going to be very dependable until then.

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