• Member Since 31st Aug, 2011
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In the Interests of Closure · 6:57pm Jan 8th, 2021

...I've published the long-standing "ghost notes" for FOE: New Pegas. Some last-minute clarifications and editing has been done as of today, but all of these entries are from the original project which I started a decade ago. They were the "working notes" segments which I would reference and update as necessary during the project, which has effectively ended at the closure of Arc One after 21 chapters.

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Report Calbeck · 337 views · Story: Fallout Equestria: New Pegas ·
Comments ( 18 )
  • Viewing 14 - 18 of 18

Hi! I'm a newbie writer even though I joined years ago, I was playing FNV and thought about making a FOE story about it. While I was researching I happened to come across your fic I was both pissed/surprised and intrigued, and since my story revolves around FNV same as yours. Is it possible for me to base my story in your universe? I understand if you decline, I'm already in the process of making it and happen to stumble upon your fic, and both our main protag's name is similar in a way and I swear that I didn't know your story existed till now.

So yeah, hope to hear from you soon, and I'm still in chapter 1 in your fic and it really caught my attention. 😄

Just found your old blog post about New Pegas. That's a bummer to hear, since it's my favorite Fallout/MLP crossover fic, and one of my favorite stories on this site. If you ever get the motivation to hop back in the saddle and find yourself in need of an editor, hit me up. I'd be more than happy to help if it means seeing the story's completion.

Seriously, no idea --- I got the invite, the letter, and a reminder or two that it needed to get done, but I have no idea how G-Man wants to do this otherwise. I can always unpublish it if he wants me to, but I've heard nothing about it.

And yeah, back atcha. :derpytongue2:

Hey were we supposed to post our individual parts of the compilation or wait for G-Man to post them for us?

Also hi! It's been a while!

  • Viewing 14 - 18 of 18
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