• Member Since 21st May, 2012
  • offline last seen Apr 21st, 2017



Should we no longer preach 'Love and Tolerate'? · 11:37pm Oct 6th, 2014

We're an imperfect fandom, and we often fail to uphold our motto, but should we give up on it?

Admission of imperfection does not demand surrender of aspirations; a motto needs to exist because it is not yet true. Once it is, it turns redundant, forgotten, like saying the sky is blue.

Love and Tolerate is a standard, a horizon, a quest. We may not be the fandom that lives up to it, but I take pride in being one of the fandom that speaks up for it.

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501592 You're welcome, Agent Cooper!

Speaking of Boo, is that supposed to actually be Boo from PH? I enjoyed that character.

... I'm still calling her Boo. 'cause she looks like she's seen a ghost.

Hey, thank you for the watch! And for all those comments; I always get a kick when people share their reactions and thoughts, as it reminds me of what it means to tell a story.

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