Trollfics 498 members · 844 stories


Comments ( 55 )
  • Viewing 36 - 55 of 55

Hey, everypony, I noticed an alarming shortage of trollfics as of late. This must change!

Anyone still around?

They see me trollin' they hatin'

ahh finally a group i can relate to.

hello everyone

*sees background pic*
This shit just got real.

Wow that background. Send me a link to it please

Can someone please pm me a link to the banner picture?

How you doin' mon!

Huzzah, the fun has been doubled!
Welcome your newest member, mate.

I just joined this group :pinkiehappy:

Hello everypony! :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

Dat banner tho! :raritystarry:

331679 Your profile pic is legen, wait for it.....


No, really? :ajbemused:

(\ Sure, here you go.

I just realized alot of the fics in here are Regidar fics.

Hello, I'm new to this group:twilightsmile:
I hope to have a fun time here and read alot of trollfics and meet some nice people.:twilightsheepish:
Brohoof anypony?

  • Viewing 36 - 55 of 55