• Member Since 7th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen July 1st


I got nothin'...


Happy New Year · 10:51pm Jan 1st, 2018

Well, as the title says, Happy New Years everyone. I hope you've had a wonderful holiday and are staying safe and well.

And here's hoping for a good new year, I'm rather hopeful for it. I'm also hopeful I'll be able to pick my story back up and continue on. Just got to get some stability in my life again.

Pony on.

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I'm still poking.

Comment posted by AntiesDashie deleted Jul 20th, 2019

Please say something. I can't help but stare at the incomplete tag on fall of hope and be a bit...hopeful. so please, please respond. If you don't respond, I understand, I just really enjoyed your story.

I have a question. I do not know if you will see this or care, but I can not stop myself from asking: Are you continuing Fallout Equestria: Fall of Hope? Because I have thoroughly enjoyed what I have read (I've read up until the last chapter) and I have been hoping for more, but I saw the last chapter was ages ago (3 years I think). I just really wanted to know, that's all! :pinkiehappy:

Thankie for the fav on I Hear the Stars! :twilightsmile:

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