• Member Since 19th Sep, 2012
  • offline last seen January 10th


That chick that tattoos at Babscon


Babscon? and TSSSF · 8:59am Mar 29th, 2015

Woah I don't think I have ever used this thing before? But I will be attending Babscon next weekend, if anypony would like to say hello. I will be there tattooing, so I'm rather hard to miss. Clipcord is also getting her very own card in Twilight Sparkles Secret Shipfic Folder, how exciting! I know not many follow me but if you're going to babscon....please do drop my table and say hi! :)

Report yearoftherat · 282 views ·

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Thanks for adding Pulse to your favorites! The sequel, Apathy is already posted if you want to read it as well. :twilightsmile:

Thanks so much for watching! :rainbowdetermined2:

Thanks for faving Together Forever[/i and Winter Storm]! :twilightsmile: Mind leaving me a bit of feedback in the story comments?

Thank you very much for the follow! I hope that I can continue to please with my future stories as well.:twilightsheepish:

1459436 Oh, of course!!! I'm a total sucker for good atmospheric horror, and I gotta say you kinda got that one down. :) I look forward to reading more from you!

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