• Member Since 2nd Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen Jul 22nd, 2020



"Fire Spores" on Pony Fiction Vault · 9:12pm Apr 7th, 2013

"Fire Spores" got featured on Pony Fiction Vault just this past Friday, which made me extremely excited and happy!

It's in the link below, including an interview in case any of you wanted to know a little more about me personally:

Pony Fiction Vault: Fire Spores

Thanks again for the support, and especially RBDash47 for featuring me.

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Comments ( 8 )
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1191244 I will iterate this
pls return

wait come back
you wrote one of my favorite fics
dont leave us

Thanks for the fave of "But You Surpass Them All"! I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Hello, hello! Thanks for reading and faving Our Gifts! I hope you have a great holiday season!:moustache::twilightsheepish:

I'm sorry that I never commented on Fire Spores, by the way, but one of those upvotes is mine!:pinkiesmile:

Loved Firespores my friend, but it hurt--seriously, I was almost as broken up about Spike as the Mane6 were. Good job, not that you need me to tell you


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