• Member Since 24th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Wednesday



Trotcon 2024 Write-Up · 12:38pm July 16th

Like every convention I do, this is my writeup on Trotcon 2024. I'm doing this now because most of this event is still pretty fresh in my mind, unlike other convention writeups I tend to do. I'm going to be somewhat blunt about this event because there's a lot to cover, and not all of it is going to be positive.

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I understand how that is. I hope things calm down for you and I look forward to seeing you at Ciderfest if you are able to make it.

Thanks! I need to download Borderlands to my phone still (kind of a crazy busy week back to work).

Hopefully see you at Ciderfest!

Good Afternoon, I would like to thank you for adding my story Fallout Equestria: Borderlands to your favorites list. I really enjoyed your panel at Whinney City. As a side note, I am currently reading your story Fallout Equestria Starlight and am really enjoying it. The one song in chapter 6 has long been a favorite of mine but now, when I hear it I think of that scene rather than the original scene I heard it from.

Absolutely feel free to come up and say hi if you see me around the convention! Will be around all day!

Morning I like to meet you I am winny city I am blackjack clone I Really enjoyed your story

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