• Member Since 28th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen Mar 16th, 2013

Sleipnirs Foal


Back in the Saddle · 7:08pm Feb 28th, 2013

Hello all,

Sorry about my unannounced absence, I've spent the past several months dead for tax reasons. But I'm back now, and will update my two incomplete stories later today. After that I will continue updating on a 'when I feel like it' schedule.

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Comments ( 17 )
  • Viewing 13 - 17 of 17

Oh geez yet another dead author of a story I favorited, but hey! He had the courtesy of finishing it before moving on (ponies explaining ponies), I did wonder why it ended so abruptly though...

Oh well, since he's dead and no one - allegely- comes here anymore, here:


War is hell

If you are reading this future FF user wondering just what the fuck happened to this guy and what the fuck am I doing, well, I was high this day :yay:

Why haven't I favorited the first Anthology? Fixed, now on to the second.

348945 Rumors of your sequel have been greatly exaggerated.

Rumors of his death have been greatly exaggerated.

  • Viewing 13 - 17 of 17
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