Got the Feature Box! · 3:22am May 31st, 2012
It may have only been for a few minutes but I got the feature box WOO!!!! wow thats a lot of favorites I have to go thank ponies for giving me, well better get back to it!
It may have only been for a few minutes but I got the feature box WOO!!!! wow thats a lot of favorites I have to go thank ponies for giving me, well better get back to it!
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*poke poke* Anypony in there?
74224 Oi whens the next chapter coming
spent 1 full day reading thru this once i discovered it... make that 2 its 1 in the morning, cant wait for the next chapter
Of course, your story doesn't deserve this attention... It deserves a lot more
you are more than welcome.
i can't wait till the next chapter.
mind if I issue a challenge?
Celestia gets bored and tries to ship someone with chrysalis?