• Member Since 7th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen July 9th


I'm Comma-Kazie; grammarian, nitpicker, and all-around master of feels.


Winning Pony Mk. II – Test Print is Ready! · 5:08am Mar 6th, 2017

Hey everyone!

Comma-Kazie here once more with good news: the test print for the next round of Life and Times is here!

Behold its radiant sheen.

Behold its completely redone cover. (Thanks once again to Darkpen

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Hows it goin Comma?

Comment posted by FizzlePopBerryTwist deleted Jun 9th, 2019
Comment posted by FizzlePopBerryTwist deleted Jun 9th, 2019
Comment posted by stayoutofmahshad deleted Jun 9th, 2019
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