Cosmic Love · 11:28pm Apr 16th, 2013
Who likes the idea of Luna fighting to defend Celestia and imprison Nightmare Moon? Who likes the idea of Celestia losing her shit so badly over the thought of Luna being hurt by Nightmare Moon that she basically turns into a Super Saiyan of the sun? Who likes the idea of Nightmare Moon as her own seperate entity, having imprisoned Luna and vampirically draining her powers to fight Celestia and bring about eternal night?
Let's have a sneak peek, shall we?
Alas another good that author has abandoned fimfiction
you need to work GLAHH
Could you continue Giving Love a Helping Hoof? We've been waiting for 2 years.
Hue, I just came here looking at dead authors and bam, last seen 52 minutes ago, look dude, if you decided to drop the fucking story just fucking tell us already, it's close to two years now, leave the petty, pointless mystery aside and talk to your damn followers!
Yo dude he returned, help me out here, I'm fucking tired of authors abandoning their stories and not telling anyone.