• Member Since 20th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen Jul 2nd, 2015



I Should Probably Make it Official. · 2:12am Apr 25th, 2015

While I doubt that this is something that many people are really concerned about, I want to say that I'm not planning on writing anything more in this fandom. I logged onto the site on a whim, as I have on a few other occasions in the last couple years, and it's taken me on a bit of a trip down memory lane.

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Thank ya kindly for tracking The Incredibly Torn Mind of a Winning Daughter! If you haven't already done so, I encourage you to rate and comment.

325097 Oh, well that's nice. We got just enough snow here for me to slip and fall on the ice.

325062 haha well isn't that the truth? You're totally reminding me of all of the work I have to do tonight. At least winter storm Nemo was nice enough to knock out class for a couple of days.

325036 Where would any of us be without it?

(probably doing something productive)

325022 haha, yes, I suppose I am. I've grown quite attached to the place. I generally just lurk around, reading stories, but occasionally I'll actually write something. I guess fimfiction has just become one of my regular haunts.

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