In the aftermath of one of Pinkie's parties, an innocent query leads Dash to question why she's still living with Pinkie Pie. Why does she feel trapped when there's nothing holding her back?
And how many buildings can Pinkie Pie destroy before insurance companies stop covering 'acts of Pinkie Collateral Damage Pie'?
This story is an indirect sequel related to Where Earth Meets Sky, but can be read just fine on its own. It simply assumes a previously established relationship.
I commented first because I can.
Cloudy writing my OTP makes me smile about as much as Pinkie
this story is really adorible. I can't wait to see more of it
Should you have posted a direct link to this when it's not published yet? Well I guess it doesn't matter if it's ready anyway.
Yes, I already asked and Cloudy said yes.

Don't worry about that meaniepants anymore, Kitty (or is it Hawkie?) He won't be yelling at anyone for a while.
you had me at spreaderbar
very interesting and adorable
Nice, another Cloudy story!
DashPie is a great ship and this one sells it well.
Best author writing second best ship?
I think my heart just melted.
guys i'm calling the twist ending
If someone actually shipped those 5 together I would read the story just on principle.
Love the characterization, it's a fic that makes me feel something, always good for a romance story.
Ahh, Cloudy. You amazing person, you! I'm gonna hold off for a bit with any kind of detailed comment, so for now take this:
...I hope that it's acceptable!
I'm going to cop out too for now on the detailed comment, and just say, for now, that I think this could well turn out to be one of the best Pinkie/Dash stories ever...
I'm already dieing here just waiting for a new chapter. No pressure. 
Many of the characterizations are more spot on than I've seen in...well, I don't even know. Especially Pinkie. Pinkie saying she loves all her friends, but that Dash is special to her...perfect.
The sort of...gentle approach to the relationship between Pinkie and Dash is wonderful, and feels much more 'real' in the universe of the show. Pinkie not turning into a total psycho mental case, but having an obsession with muffins for a while was a refreshing and funny touch, and again, something that I could actually see happening in the show.
Also, fluffies and solid cores = best cloud descriptions.
Please tell me you're submitting this thing to EqD. If not I may have to slap a filly.
Some of the writing doesn't flow as well as it could in parts I think, but otherwise it's fantastic so far.
*cough* I like that Rainbow's and Pinkie's feelings are revealed to themselves through impulses--Dash to fly, to escape, and Pinkie to bake, to find more rainbow sprinkles (nice metaphor, by the way!)--as these are two very impulsive characters. They're not the type to sit down and ponder things over, as Twilight might. They're DOERS, not thinkers. The way they're handling things feels very in-character to me. (I especially love Pinkie just baking and baking and baking--it's funny and heart-breaking, both at once.)
They are both breaking my heart a little. Oh, you silly ponies! Why can't you just tell each other "I love you" and be happy together? *sigh*
I also liked the scene where RD drops by Fluttershy's place and wakes up 'Shy and AJ. That you often include friendship explorations as well as romance explorations in your stories is one of the things I really enjoy about your writing, and I very much enjoyed the dynamics between these three. Fluttershy's confusion, Rainbow's grudging reaching-out, Applejack's annoyed tolerance. I also liked the peek at how Fluttershy and AJ function as a couple, and it occurred to me that RD chose well in whom she sought out. Fluttershy offers patience and sensitivity, on the one hand, while Applejack will give you a kick in the head when you need it, on the other hand.
Can't wait to read more.
Yay, more RainbowPie! And by Cloudy too! ^.^
Rarity shoving Pinkie outside is the best thing ever (more or less anyway)
Great stuff, looking forward to more.
Now you've got me so excited!

Great work with the characters. I especially loved Pinkie working through her stress with baking. And I'd love to try a tofuffin just for the experience.
I've got to see how this ends. Keep up the great work!
PinkieDash by Cloudy Skies?
Very good so far, one of the best shipfics I've read in quite a while. And I've been saying that a lot lately, so... well, it's definitely a compliment. I like that you're getting into both Pinkie and Dash's heads, and showing both their perspectives on this. Not enough stories do that in my experience, and even fewer do it so well. As has been said, your characterization of both is great so far. Pinkie dealing with her confusion by mindlessly filling the bakery with muffins was a nice touch.
Tracked and thumbs-upped. Can't wait for more.
A cute and well-written story. I feel you got the characterization spot-on, basically. I especially enjoy the way you write Pinkie. And I must say, those little "domestic" scenes at the beginning were just the cutest thing.
453647 I read your comment, and all I can think is "first". You delicious, lovable trollpony.
454266 Oh sweet merciful princesses in Canterlot above, don't encourage him, gah!
454700 You forgot
455359 No! Entirely unacceptable! (No seriously though, I wasn't expecting comments or feedback before I posted up the entire story, actually. Not used to doing chapters on an entirely new story here on FimF. Also, hi!)
457513 Oh, no pressure, right? Not at all! I'll be under my bed.
It's indeed submitted to EqD, still waiting on reply/confirmation atm! It feels a little iffy to submit an unfinished story. Haven't done that in a long while.
457615 Heartbaking. it's a word now.
Really though, I'm glad to hear that the Flutter-scene was appreciated, because I half feared I wrote it for my own benefit only. It ties into how I wonder whether or not these half-sequel stories are just me hugging my own headcanon/universe or what. Now I just need to make sure I give the unicorns their dues, going forward. The title of the first story already suggests that this is more about the pegasi and the earth ponies, but I don't want to exclude Rarity or Twilight at all; they are not lesser friends by any stretch of the word, they're just not the focus of the story.
@ Everypony: Thank you for your comments, thoughts, kind words, odd mustaches and big cigars! I hope to have the next batch up soon!
It totally has been queued. I think with Seth out for the weekend, some of the responses were derped. But my records and email show a "to the queue" (sadly only two "ue"'s)
You already should know every thought I have on this story, having had them thrown at you many times. I'm wary of spoiling anything for people so I'll leave it at this: this is an amazing story and I totally envy your ability to write Pinkie in any given mood that she is capable of having. You know the rest, but in case it wasn't 100% crystal clear: not only are you an awesome friend but you're my overall favorite author in this fandom.
Poor Dash. She seems to push herself really hard in all your stories. Can't wait to read more.
Oh goodness my chest is all tight after reading this chapter. Especially after hearing Fluttershy cut to the heart of the problem when she's talking to Pinkie Pie. And Rainbow's frustration over everything really is pretty heartbreaking. My heart is just begging for them to all be happy, and I'm sure they will be, but it's so hard to see that yet.
oh noes..Dash freakout coming up?
Heartbaking. it's a word now.
That is a terrible pun. You ought to be ashamed. Or proud. Or both.
Really though, I'm glad to hear that the Flutter-scene was appreciated, because I half feared I wrote it for my own benefit only. It ties into how I wonder whether or not these half-sequel stories are just me hugging my own headcanon/universe or what.
I can't speak for anyone but myself, but I've really, really enjoyed the Fluttershy/RD stuff in all three of this universe's stories. Their relationship is fascinating to me--it's beyond a standard friendship but isn't a romance, really, but something kind of undefinable and almost codependent. And given the nature of their relationship, as you've created it in these stories, you almost NEED to have the friendship included in any romance plot. Any suitor of Fluttershy's is going to have to handle and allow room for 'Shy's relationship with RD, and any suitor of RD's is going to have to handle and allow room for RD's relationship with 'Shy. It's ... almost like dating someone who has a twin, now that I think about it--there's a pre-existing, hugely strong bond there that you have to respect, or else it just won't work.
Fortunately, Applejack and Pinkie Pie are two ponies who can handle just about anything. Wonder if it's symbolic at all that the two pegasi are hooking up with the two earth ponies. 'Shy's always had a love for the ground, and you can't get much earthier than AJ. Plus, both are pillars of strength, in their own ways. And of course, Pinkie is an earth pony who defies both nature and gravity to fly--perhaps not unlike a pegasus who was able to do the impossible and pull off the mythical Sonic Rainboom.
I'm rambling now, though. My apologies.
this is an amazing story and I totally envy your ability to write Pinkie in any given mood that she is capable of having.
Agree 100% with this. In case I wasn't explicit enough in my review, I wanted to emphasize--the way that Pinkie's sadness is portrayed here is brilliant. She still feels so very PINKIE even when she's mooning over losing Rainbow Dash, and it's such a delicate balance to get with a character like Pinkie.
Agree with almost everyone above. This is probably my favorite story from you so far, and that's saying a *lot*, because I really like your other stories (the ones I had time to read, at least). Keep up the most excellent work!!
Honestly: make time. Also, even if clop is not your thing, consider making an exception for "Bonds of Earth and Sky", because 464885 is 100% correct. Cloudy's FlutterDash relationship is amazingly well threaded and deep. It's one of those things you read and realize that it's possible to be so incredibly close and yet not have it be romantic at all.

Don't worry, kits; I definitely intend to. I'm just a little busy with my own projects though (grad school is hard)...
I hear ya. My job usually keeps me from pony due to the restrictive nature of out network. Luckily, I'm only spending half-time in the lab this month.
I love Appleshy!
462239 Alternatively: I am being a dick to Dash in all my stories. I jest - partially - but the next story I've planned that features Dash in a lead position is very, um, vindicating, hah.
464885 You know, the sad/interesting/weird/cucumber thing is that when you put it like that, I almost want to write another story simply because while what you say is true, I never touched upon that. I sort of want to explore Pinkie and AJ's feelings on the matter, but it's hard to do more than give a nod to it. What you're commenting - and praising - is a subtext I haven't done justice. I think it says more about you as a reader than me as a writer, hah.
Still, you flatter me - thank you! One of these days I'll repay you your insights, once I finish spending X hours a day editing. I've been wanting to nip at Of Parties and Rainbows for so long now, but the [Sad] tag scares me a bit.
468593 469417 Thank you, and thank you for reading!
469600 I just meant she pushes herself physically. Seems like in all her stories she's flying everywhere as hard as she can, trying to run from thinking about things.
469745 Oh. Whoops. That too! She's a very physical creature, as I see her, so it makes sense to me, I guess. Besides, it's very handy to be a pegasus and be able to act on the impulse everypony gets sometimes, no? "I wish I could just fly away"- oh, whoops, she can!
469757 That's a great point, and you're right. I do wish I could do that too.
omg! i love this chapter!
Great. Now I have to go get a new heart. The old one blew up.
Next time I'll post on EqD :V
Posting a comment is more than 10 sconds flat. Rainbow Dash I ain't
Stop trying to make me cry Cloudy. Goodness. Especially those last few lines about strawberries. They're such simple, but deep sentences. Goodness I can't even handle them.
Much rejoicing was had. Especially from this soul.
I'd like to see what in Equestria Dash is doing though.
Sometimes, you just had to roll with the cards that the lemons dealt you.
Best. Pinky line. Ever.
Aw. I don't know if there's anyone who could really keep up with Pinkie. You'd have to have such high amounts of patience. But goodness do I want to hug her. Cloudy, my chest is tight. You've really got to stop doing that. (Please don't ever stop doing that)
Great chapter! Hurricane Flare's characterization is well done, fantastic writing!!
Woo! Fimfiction is finally back up! I was reading chapter 3 at uni, click to go to the next one and I suddenly couldn't get on for like 24 hours. It was the worst possible thing!
Man, I am loving this story so much, haha. No one, I reapeat, no one writes PinkieDash quite like you. I love how it is a PinkieDash like Best Plan Ever, but it's exploring a slightly different aspect of their relationship. It really keeps everything fresh and shows a nice range.
Top stuff.
Oh. Mah. Gawd. MRS. DASH'S MOM!
I am in love with Mrs. Dash's Mom (I know she has a name, but Pinkie's name for Flare amuses me). The first thing that Pinkie does is TACKLE the poor pegasus, and Flare lets her in anyway. She is amazingly chill and kind--and very Dash-like. An older, more patient Dash. (I am envisioning some of Flare's possible internal monologue: "THIS? THIS is my potential future daughter-in-law? Are you KIDDING me?")
This part was pure love:
“Do you love my daughter?” she asked. It was a casual and simple question with infinite gravity. She stared at Pinkie Pie as if though her eyes could burn right through her.
“Oh, I have no idea!” Pinkie admitted, giggle-snorting. “I mean, I think so?”
That is brilliant. Oh, Pinkie. PINKIE. Girl ain't got no filter. And then Pinkie keeps barreling on and manages to win over Flare with her honest, heart-felt babbling and, really, probably won over Flare better than if she'd just said something like, "Yes, of course I love her." Well done, little pink pony. Well done.
Also, I find it adorable that, when feeling upset about all of this Pinkie stuff, Dash decided to go see her mommy. Awww.
Heh, sorry if I'm reading more into the stories than is actually there. I really like to dissect stuff, and sometimes I go overboard.
Re: "Of Parties and Rainbows," if you stay skip over "But Where Do They Bury the Survivors?" and "After Every Storm," you oughta be fine.
I love how Pinkie's big confession to sleeping Dash scene is a mix of funny and heart-breaking. I loved Pinkie destroying half of Rainbow's house, and I loved Rainbow sneaking bites of the muffin. These two always have such a fun, lovely dynamic when you write them.
It was meant to be for special occasions. Perhaps Pinkie didn’t know the blanket was special. Perhaps Pinkie never had a reason to think it was, since Dash’d always brought it out when they sat up until the early hours of morning talking and playing games - which was almost every night.
Oh my gosh, my heart cannot even handle this level of adorability. You are totally in love with that girl, Rainbow Dash. Don't even play like you're not, 'cause you are.
I liked the bit of Lyra/Pinkie friendship, how Lyra seemed to genuinely enjoy Pinkie's company even as she was fully aware of Pinkie's ridiculousness. Also, is this story the first time you've written from Pinkie's POV? I can't really recall you doing so to any great extent before--which is a shame, because Pinkie is AMAZING here.
Pinkie Pie didn’t want to lie. She just smiled still and waved as Fluttershy trotted off down the road. She didn’t want to promise not to do something stupid. She was pretty sure the plans she was making even now were stupid on some level. Probably a lot of levels. If her plans were a cake, all the layers would be made of stupid, and the cream filling was concentrated stupid, but it didn’t matter so long as the cake was topped with strawberries.
Seriously, there is absolutely nothing not to love in that paragraph. Pinkie's self-awareness, her hilarious metaphor of the cake, the funny-then-bittersweet metaphor of the strawberries. This is a serious Pinkie who's still very Pinkie, and I love her.
Awesome story but I can't help but wonder...
after you're done with this one?
You did
So will we ever see something involving
(In the same universe/timeline/world/whatever)
471545 Aw, well, there's keeping up with, and there's keeping up with, I guess. Pinkie cheats, so it's not really fair!
471598 471294 472220 Thank you very much, truly!
471377 And there we go, now you can find out, hah!
474551 To be very frank, and very open about this for once - since if I did decide to do RariLight, it'd be clearly telegraphed in the fic title/desc anyway - I don't think I will. I don't feel like chasing that symmetry just because they're the two ones left. Then again, I don't want to actively avoid pairing them up, either; this continuity really is just me going with the flow, writing whatever seems cutest at the time.
What I will say is that when I decide to write a third story in this arc, I will at least comment on it! If you were a gang of friends and this happened, at the very least, you would notice, hah. S'gotta be a little uncomfortable sometimes!
473744 I'm glad she works! It was a very, very nervous moment for me, submitting that chapter, because it's basically all the dangers/traps of writing an OC, except the level of expectations is higher considering who she is, guh. I spent over half an hour pining over what to name her, and I owe Kits a cookie for his help, there. I am pretty desperate to get to write Flare and Dash interacting. I may have to facilitate that in the third story.
Heh, sorry if I'm reading more into the stories than is actually there. I really like to dissect stuff, and sometimes I go overboard.
(Borrowing your style of commenting on comments here -)
No, no, and jeez, no. I did not mean to say that, sorry! The only problems that arise from liberal/extensive interpretation are when you tout them as unassailable truths, and even I don't claim to possess such authority. What you do is highlight something, either reminding me of potential lost, or giving me ideas. That is awesome.
And yes, I believe this is the first time I've done a close Pinkie PoV like this - and that's because Pinkie scares me. Writing Ode to Friendship was the first step towards curing this fear, by having Pinkie be the star. This was the next step, and I guess Pinkie is the part I'm happiest with in this fic, actually - thanks!
Re: "Of Parties and Rainbows," if you stay skip over "But Where Do They Bury the Survivors?" and "After Every Storm," you oughta be fine.
Was going to, and then I saw you had written RariPie. Priority shiiift!