• Member Since 28th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Mar 3rd, 2018

Cloudy Skies

Cloudy writes stories. Cloudy likes it when ponies like each other maybe a little too much and sometimes end up in love. Cloudy writes stories about these things, often.


Longpost: What's Next? Also, To Perytonia Resources, Art, Thoughts · 5:42pm Feb 23rd, 2018

To Perytonia ate a year and change of my life. Dramatic? Yes, dears, I am dramatic, and thank you for finally realising. I’d even add “and I wouldn’t have it any other way” because that's certainly true. However, instead of revelling in its completion and trying to drive hype, I've partially disappeared, so clearly it's complicated.

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To Perytonia Completed · 4:16pm Feb 6th, 2018

The longest story I've written to date, To Perytonia, is complete.

If you've been waiting for it to finish, and if you're in the mood for a grand, dramatic adventure to foreign shores, I invite you to give it a read. Bring plenty of food and drink, pack a blanket, and ask a friend or two to come with you. It's a doozy.

I'm out for now. Please be good to each other. Walk with open minds and kindness in your hearts.

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Today and the Future · 3:19pm Dec 18th, 2017

This post features no spoilers of any kind.

Everyone’s talking about S8 and movies and who knows what else. Goodness, I’ve not even watched S7 yet!

And you know what, dear reader? I don’t think I ever will.

This is not a protest against anything, I’m just observing a fact. At this moment I do not know that I will ever engage with the newer content.

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Pony Fan Fiction and Positivity · 2:17pm Nov 15th, 2017

Alternate titles: “The post wherein Cloudy justifies their tastes”, “let’s talk about positivity”, or “I’m not just gonna bash on sadfic, I promise!”

(There are some words about To Perytonia at the end, hence the tag.)

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RariJack? RariJack. · 10:27am Oct 18th, 2017

Shortfic is an art. An art I've never mastered.

I understand that my latest story, To Perytonia, may be daunting to some/many/most because of its sheer length. Some are waiting for it to finish, some are simply put off by the prospect of a fic that, if printed, could be used as a coffee table.

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To Perytonia: Even more art? · 4:28pm Oct 8th, 2017

This is a post partially concerned with To Perytonia, a fully written ongoing adventure story updating every Tuesday and Saturday. This post contains no spoilers.

We're thirteen chapters in, and I think I think it's safe to say the story is hitting its stride. We're no longer "just getting started". We've slowly moved into the thick of the story.

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[Shower Thoughts] - [Thoughts] - [Shower] = [Barthes] · 3:54am Oct 8th, 2017

I've spent an hour now trying to write about Barthes.

It is five in the morning, and I have tried very hard to write about Barthes.

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To Perytonia: More peryton art! Also, future story thoughts. · 2:51pm Sep 27th, 2017

This is a post partially concerned with To Perytonia, an ongoing adventure story updating Tuesdays and Saturdays. There are no spoilers in this post.

First, art. More peryton, as promised. Today, a happy little creature!

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To Perytonia: What is a "peryton" anyway? · 12:13pm Sep 16th, 2017

Hi everyone!

I'm trying not to spoil stuff, both for the benefit of those wanting to wait for the story to finish and for those who want to read To Perytonia as untainted as possible. I respect the heck out of that, but I also really want to talk about the story as we go. Today, we're talking peryton!

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To Perytonia: Four chapters in and counting · 3:14am Sep 6th, 2017

This post contains no spoilers, but on the other side, it contains no substance, either.

That's a fancy way of saying "whining incoming"!

So, To Perytonia didn’t feature. Or, if it featured, it was too brief for me to see. At the time of writing this blog post, it has received only a small fraction of the attention most of my stories get, eclipsed even by where my other adventure stories were at this progress level.

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