
Viewing 1 - 20 of 91 results

Show Me Positively Of Me…And The Stories You Enjoyed · 4:43pm Jan 26th, 2022


Praise me! · 7:37pm Jan 25th, 2022

If you please. :twilightsmile:

Report Leondude · 152 views · #positivity

Positive · 1:02pm Feb 28th, 2021

Hey guys thought I’d let you know that I’m in a group called Positive ponies, their a nice bunch who want to keep everything positive, so if you want you could head on over link is here.

Report Blackwatch9 · 123 views · #Positive

Tell me something positive that you experienced in the past week. · 10:28pm Feb 6th, 2018

See title.

I could use a pick-me-up, and what better to brighten my day than to hear about how others are doing well?

As for what’s wrong with me, I suspect it’s a general seasonal malaise, so don’t worry about me. I’d rather hear about you guys.:twilightsmile:

Report Majin Syeekoh · 735 views · #positivity

Sunny Sunday #3: Pitfalls Part 1 - Self-Pity · 1:02am Dec 11th, 2017

Welcome back to Sunny Sunday! I'm Crysis Commander. In the next few Sunny Sundays, we'll look at what someone may come across when looking at negative self talk and the challenges it presents. While it is important to know one of the major factors in a lack of happiness, we must know not just where the thinking comes from, but what it is and how to manage it. Let's get started.

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Review: The Pastromorbo Epidemic · 5:46pm Apr 26th, 2017

I never thought I'd like a dark fic this much. The twists and turns make it near impossible to wait for the next update. The emotions feel so real, and the world is very well-built. I honestly have no complaints. There are a few minor errors here and there, but that's to be expected. I hope that as the fic continues, it will continue to hold my interest.

Rating: 8.5/10


Words of the Week · 8:57pm Sep 18th, 2019

'For every negative you hear about, there about ten positives to go with it that you don't hear about because they don't sell papers.'

Report Purple Patch · 181 views · #positive #words

An anonymous tip · 1:03am January 22nd

Two different men (I won't say who) have told me last week that I have been removed from the Positive Ponies group by yet another former friend who unfollowed me when he heard my views on transgenderism. Honestly, if that's what gets me removed, then that's positive for me. Saves me the trouble. I didn't miss much there anyway-- what's there to talk about?

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Report BradyBunch · 782 views · #trans #positive #no

A Few Mocktails, a Million Lemonades, And a Lot of Self Restraint Later... · 8:41pm Feb 27th, 2017

I just wanted to say just a little about myself, and the experience I've had with this site so far.

I'm a student, in a relationship, living at home with my mum and twin younger brothers. For various reasons, I couldn't leave the drink alone for years. I took social drinking to stupid levels, and as a result got in quite a bit of trouble at points.

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Sunny Sunday #1: A Look at Positivity · 11:16pm Nov 26th, 2017

Hello readers, this is Crysis Commander. As some of you may know, I returned from a bit of an unplanned hiatus. Why I was gone is not important, but what is important is why I’m here once again. Bronies, the community and its members have helped me tremendously in the past several years, and now it’s my turn to give back in a way that might help others.

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Beware of toxic positivity · 1:11pm Jan 20th, 2021

I highly recommend reading this article, especially to Christians. I identify as a progressive Protestant (not so deeply religious, though). Toxic positivity is basically the refusal to acknowledge the harsh and cruel realities of the world.

Whatever situation you're currently in, remember that you have the right to feel whatever you have to feel. Emotions are part of being human so don't suppress them. It's okay not to be okay.


Climbing Mountains - An Interview With TheKMExperience. · 3:29am May 19th, 2021

I was lucky enough to get an interview with TheKMExperience , a true spark of warmth on this mountain we call life. So without hesitation we found ourselves a cozy little space at the base of our current summit.

A summit that is Positivity.

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Sunny Sunday #2: Where Does Negative Self Talk Originate? · 1:58am Dec 4th, 2017

Hello readers! Crysis Commander here, returning for another Sunny Sunday. Yes, when I said this was going to be a weekly series, I was serious. Last week I mentioned that happiness overall is a choice as it simply a way we can react to various stimuli, whether in our favor or not. Today we'll look at the ways people fall into negative thinking and self talk. The first step in adjusting an issue to know the root of it. Let's get started.

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Share a Smile · 5:11pm Sep 10th, 2017

So, a dear friend of mine, Crystal Wishes, decided to spread some positivity with these Share a Smile blogs. The concept is simple:

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The question of my life.... · 4:27pm Jan 10th, 2017

Is there a limit on how many people you can follow? Cus if there is, that really sucks...
But anyway, I hope your day is fantastic and wonderful, just like you are!


Brag About Yourself · 3:46pm May 24th, 2018

What's up my friends!

So, I want to do a little activity today. Unfortunately, we live in a world plagued by negativity. It's almost the norm in some places to see the glass half-empty. It's frowned upon to admit our accomplishments even at times.

How about we tell that ideology to suck a fat one and have some positivity?

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An Exercise in Positivity · 1:31am Sep 25th, 2020

So, it turns about that the Mulan remake tanked. :ajsleepy: Yeah, that hurts. I know I shouldn’t take it personally, but I kinda do. You see, the two biggest contributors to my enjoyment of a work of fiction are if a story or its characters are able to connect with me on a personal level or if they end up offending me on a personal level. I mean, there are other contributors, but those are the ones that have the most influence on my opinion. However, because I connect to my favorite

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A rant and a snapshot of new things · 4:43pm Jun 26th, 2021

Id be lying if I said I don't enjoy writing. The process the creation of characters, Crafting them and building an imagine of them in my mind. Making those images act out scenes in my head then writing the process down. Its a lovely wonderful feeling. But then I move on to the next piece in the puzzle so to say. Then I look back at the rest of the puzzle and feel unsatisfied, I feel just... so negative towards them. I don't entirely understand it, or the causes behind it. But have gone through

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Pony Fan Fiction and Positivity · 2:17pm Nov 15th, 2017

Alternate titles: “The post wherein Cloudy justifies their tastes”, “let’s talk about positivity”, or “I’m not just gonna bash on sadfic, I promise!”

(There are some words about To Perytonia at the end, hence the tag.)

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Finally, a review of my story! · 7:43pm Dec 29th, 2015

So after months of attempting to get people to give me feedback on Elements of Honor, and after everyone going, "Nope, I ain't reading all that", I finally—freaking finally—received a review. And it's a positive one, too.

Thank you, Feather Note, for putting up with my insufferable pacing and prose. I have the biggest smile on my face right now!

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 91 results