
Viewing 1 - 20 of 80 results

I'm not responsible for someone else's actions · 12:08am February 2nd

In response to the activity on my front page (62 notifications?!) : I'm getting more hate than Muffin ever did, and I never contemplated suicide or leaving the site permanently. I never told Muffin to kill himself or to leave the site; in fact, I explicitly expressed my concern that his direction in life would lead to precisely that. I wasn't the one that cut off ties with him after that. I never followed up beyond the initial incident; I didn't harass the poor guy to the point of exhaustion.

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Report BradyBunch · 2,661 views · #trans

Frustrated · 9:21pm Mar 7th, 2022

Hey everypony so I was talking to my mom recently and found out that all 8 therapists I had growing up knew I was transgender. It's frustrating because I knew since kindergarten that I was trans. I tried to keep it hidden due to me being bullied and abused by my stepdad. However if I would've known my therapists knew I would've been honest with them

Report MorningRose · 190 views · #Trans

This needs to be addressed. · 2:40am Dec 21st, 2023

I'm aware that I may have made some transphobic remarks lately, privately and publicly. I've lost a friend over it, a friend I've had for a long time.

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Report BradyBunch · 3,228 views · #trans

Trans Day of Visibility (belated) · 7:44pm Apr 1st, 2022

Art by AndoAnimalia

EDIT: This post, despite its timing, is NOT an April Fool's post. I actually wrote this yesterday and forgot to hit the final button to publish it.

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An anonymous tip · 1:03am January 22nd

Two different men (I won't say who) have told me last week that I have been removed from the Positive Ponies group by yet another former friend who unfollowed me when he heard my views on transgenderism. Honestly, if that's what gets me removed, then that's positive for me. Saves me the trouble. I didn't miss much there anyway-- what's there to talk about?

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Report BradyBunch · 782 views · #trans #positive #no

This is so cool · 8:58pm Aug 18th, 2022


Trans Perspective. Super-Dysphoric Right Now. · 9:12pm Oct 5th, 2021

I feel like I could burst, it's terrible. Imagine trying to fit a VHS tape into a USB port. That's how it feels, it feels like I'm trying to get somewhere and am oh so close, but something is stopping me. Something, some invisible barrier, a membrane, that prevents me from reaching my goal, ever. But it's something I need, like... like food, or water. Imagine really needing a bathroom and being stopped by an invisible barrier just in front of it.

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Report Devona · 250 views · #Trans Perspective

Trans Perspective. Pronouns and Treatment · 7:06pm Oct 21st, 2021

It's been interesting lately... for a good while, "they/them" pronouns, while incorrect, didn't bug me; they were neutral, the symbol of the "unknown" while referencing gender. And that's alroght for me! If someone doesn't know I'm a girl, or if the topic of the discussion doesn't concern gender, these promouns are fine.

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Report Devona · 165 views · #Trans Perspective

Coming out. · 10:19pm Jul 5th, 2018

So I've came out as transfemale everywhere but here. I officially came out on the 21st of last month. And I have been busy as heck getting settled in my new home after I had to leave where I was staying.

So far life has been infinitely better, and I'm couldn't be happier. I get random compliments on the streets. Have random friendly conversations with total strangers. I have even struck up conversations in the women's bathrooms.

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Report TheGreatEater · 414 views · #Trans #coming out

Trans Trixie Is, In Fact, Canon · 1:31am May 8th, 2021


Gender is a Performance! · 8:25pm Jan 11th, 2022

And mate, if that's true, then I'm a whole ass 1 person Broadway band show.

That's it, that's the blog post.


Do you have a character you headcanon as trans? · 2:08am June 4th

And that no amount of canon evidence will convince you otherwise?



Random Headcanon: Sunburst and Sunset are the Same Pony, Pre- and Post-Transition · 5:03pm Oct 17th, 2023

I've always liked the idea that Sunburst and Sunset are related somehow. This headcanon fills in some gaps in EQG canon while playing off that idea. I'm not sure I believe it myself, but it's a fun idea.

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Series Cancelled · 1:02am Nov 12th, 2023

Im sorry for those who were hoping to see more of trans Equestria Girls Izzy, but I’m officially putting any ideas I had to rest. Part in due to writing fatigue, but also in part that I did have some ideas where I wanted this series to go, but then the more G5 played, the harder it became for me to keep up. I have no idea how to write in Sparky, Misty and Opaline into the story. Also characters like Hitch I was going to have a longer arch of him getting over his transphobia, but now it just

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Sylveon being a trans icon since the beginning · 8:15pm April 15th

Today I learned that Sylveon's type was a debate before it was revealed they were the new fairy type. And in a way, that feels like the most trans way to reveal the little gender 'mon.

Sylveon literally went through an speculation phase before coming out.


Thought you'd want to know... · 10:32am Jun 9th, 2022

About a year ago (June 12th 2021), I actually figured out that I'm a trans woman! Cried tears of joy I was so happy! Curious, have any of you realized the same?

BTW, this explains why Soulless did not want to be referred to by his legal name. I always hated being referred to as my dead name. Chosen names always felt way more respectful.


Trans Lives Matter · 7:41am Sep 6th, 2019

Y'all want to know why I give such a fuck about trans rights? Because my trans comrades go through hell and back every single fucking day they walk this earth. I just want them to be happy. That's all I fucking want, is for my friends to be happy, with who they are and the world they live in. If you have a problem with that, all I can suggest is that you fling yourself into an active volcano and not come back.

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Happy Trans Visibility Day · 8:35pm Mar 31st, 2021

To all of my Trans, Demi Guy/Girl, NB, and even Genderfluid readers, you are loved whoever you are. You are valid.


Fans of Beautiful · 10:46pm Nov 30th, 2020

Hello Nailah here. No interview today, just a blog about my new story Beautiful. Let me first thank all of you that took the time to read it, I really do appriciate and value your feedback. And yes, I do agree it is quite honestly rushed. Because it was a speedwrite, and due to NANO consuming my writing time I didn't want to commit to yet another long multi chaptered story, but I realize I was wrong. It's wrong for me to post a story and labeling it as complete when there is SO much more to

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Report Nailah · 152 views · #trans #mlp #OC #LGBT

Happy Pride Month! · 12:36am June 2nd

Aight, first pride out of the trans closet. I should probably add some serious words. Maybe share my own experience coming out twice in my 30's, and overall try and reach people either on a similar situation, or open the space for each one to talk about their experience too.

But honestly, it's been a low energy day, so enjoy this meme and if you feel like sharing, I'm all ears:

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 80 results