• Member Since 20th Feb, 2012
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My stories tend to focus on emotional drama, especially family drama--and much feels, to boot. Buy me a Ko-Fi! ko-fi.com/brokenimage321

More Blog Posts167

  • Sunday
    More Random Worldbuilding: Equestria A&M

    Celestia established the School for Gifted Unicorns and the Wonderbolts to help educate and train particularly talented unicorns and pegasi--perhaps even to screen for especially talented individuals she could recruit as advisors or agents. However, one of the biggest open secrets in Equestria is Equestria A&M, a college established to do the same for Earth Ponies.

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  • 5 weeks
    Random Worldbuilding: The King Of Canterlot

    This occurred to me over the weekend, and I love the idea. Here's the basics:

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  • 40 weeks
    Random Brainstorming: Celestia X Sombra Nextgen?

    I'm a sucker for next-gens, plus tragic stories of star-crossed lovers. I recently stumbled across some art that reminded me of an idea that scratched both itches, and I'm curious what you think.

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  • 40 weeks
    Random Headcanon: Sunburst and Sunset are the Same Pony, Pre- and Post-Transition

    I've always liked the idea that Sunburst and Sunset are related somehow. This headcanon fills in some gaps in EQG canon while playing off that idea. I'm not sure I believe it myself, but it's a fun idea.

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  • 43 weeks
    Any Deaf/HoH folks on here?

    Hey, odd question: any Deaf/HoH bronies on here? I'd like to consult about a story idea I have, in which Big Mac is Deaf. I like the idea, but I want to make sure I'm treating the disability respectfully, raising awareness rather than making fun, etc., etc., but the advice I got on Reddit was "Unless you're Deaf yourself, don't." I'd like to talk to someone about this idea, maybe even collab on

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Random Headcanon: Sunburst and Sunset are the Same Pony, Pre- and Post-Transition · 5:03pm Oct 17th, 2023

I've always liked the idea that Sunburst and Sunset are related somehow. This headcanon fills in some gaps in EQG canon while playing off that idea. I'm not sure I believe it myself, but it's a fun idea.

Basically: Pony-Sunburst grew up in Sire's Hollow, then was whisked off to Celestia's School. While there, his egg cracked, and he started the process of transitioning into Sunset Shimmer. Sunset, now much more comfortable and confident in her new body, began to demand more and more from Celestia, finally escaping into the EQG world in frustration.

For some reason, Human-Sunburst ends up in Equestria (perhaps Sunset chucked him through the portal to clean up loose ends?). Most of the important ponies in Pony-Sunburst's life only knew her pre-transition, and Human-Sunburst is similar enough to their memories of his pony counterpart (and vice-versa) that he was able to slot himself into those relationships without trouble (ETA: This would also explain why Starlight hits it off so well with Sunset--they were best friends as foals, and are able to reconnect, even if they don't actually recognize each other anymore). He still has very little idea what's going on in Equestria, but has convinced himself to play along until he can figure out a way home. In the meantime, he's applied his studious self to understanding how the world works; this explains why he knows a lot about magic, but now how to actually do it.

Strangely, though Sunburst is probably still trans, he finds himself rather happy in his new life. He's still not entirely convinced that this isn't all a dream, but at least it's a good one. All the people he knows and loves are here, which makes the transition to pony-dom a lot easier for him.

Comments ( 4 )

Given that Sunset and Sunburst exist in different media and do not ever appear on screen together, you can just define EQG as the timeline where Sunburst transitioned, and OG as where he remained his old self. Ha!

Virgin unicorn girls just as well might have more raw power in this setting... A good reason to transition as any.

Close to Masterweaver's Sunburst/Sunset stories. Except he cloned himself to have a date to a dance and things gang aft agley.

Twilight asks Sunburst a question.
Masterweaver · 2.2k words  ·  2,290  41 · 33k views

I remember that one! Definitely a fun read :scootangel:

Perhaps the funniest implication is that Stellar Flareā€™s overbearing and obnoxious parenting is a multiversal constant. I can only imagine what Sunset had to do to get away from the human.

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