An Illustrated Story! Watch Your Data!
Twenty years ago, our six best friends sealed the Legion of Doom away in stone. Now, the cast of Friendship is Magic is getting back together for a new, two-hour special titled “The Last Problem.” Interviewer James Cortland, for Ponies Magazine, sat down with the Mane Six for the first time in twenty years to get their thoughts on Friendship and everything that has happened since. Read on for insights into what it was like to work on the set, secret gossip among the cast, and their thoughts on the impending reboot of the show that made them so famous.
Cracked the Featured box on the day it was published!
Heavily influenced by, but doesn’t actually cross over with, the Friends reunion special.
An entry in Dezmo's My Little Pony Renaissance contest.
A spiritual successor to GaPJaxie's "Dressing Room" series.
Preread by Krack-Fic Kai, FanOfMostEverything, PiratesPlayTrumpets, and Matt. Thanks for the feedback, everyone!