Sprouting from his face were bushy but tamed sideburns and a glorious bristling moustache that looked as though it would leap off his upper lip at any moment and wrestle the nearest bear.
--Municipal Engines, Night's Favoured Child
"Calling me a monster does not do your vocabulary or my actions any justice."
--AestheticB, The Immortal Game
--GhostOfHeraclitus, Whom the Princesses Would Destroy...
"We'll talk about that in a second. First, I want you to remember this moment. Just close your eyes and sit here in silence for a little while."
...When I opened my eyes, I saw Celestia was just looking at me with what I might call a pitying expression. "Are you ready?"
"That's a shame. Now, let me go get your fiancee."
"I'm sorry, my what?"
She grit her teeth and forced out, “Fine, daddy. That’s a very pretty skirt you’re wearing.”
"What do your intentions matter when you compare them to the true results?"
"Are you going to blame the man who invented the oven for the holocaust?"
"Dammit, so she beat me to eugenics!" I said.
--whatmustido, Diaries of a Madman
The pipe itself was empty - Nurse Redheart had strongly recommended he give up blowing bubbles for the sake of his health - but it still felt good to have something to grind on when he was in a bad mood.
"If we’re going to be monsters, let’s be monsters like Equestria’s never seen. Monsters so great and terrible, the world will never need another monster again."
--Nonagon, Death Note: Equestria
“Bad Twilight Sparkle. No megalomania.”
“Twilight, you are banned from ever attempting any sexual innuendo in this castle.”
--Cast-Iron Caryatid, Sharing the Night
"Welcome to the club. We have crumbled cookies and spilt milk."
"Like, why do you have an egg timer? Isn’t that, like, cannibalism or something?"
--Somber, Fallout: Equestria - Project Horizons
“He’s not dead... yet.”
“Whoa. You got plans?”
--Ponky, The Sisters Doo
"You have far more endorphins than I'll ever be able to produce."
--Ponky, Through the Looking Glass and What Pinkie Found There
"Ah— Er, I— Oh, you..."
"And sometimes Y. Language is a fascinating thing, is it not?"
--Moowell, A Pony Named 'You'
"We wait for their next charge, then my team pushes back with everything we've got, you hear? We make an opening, then the rest of you follow!"
"If you say so. Hey Applejack?"
"Yeah, sugarcube?"
"This is really fun."
"Course it is. That's why we do it so often."
--AestheticB, Sparkle's Law
"Twi, you had me at secret agent. Then you added fame and glory and space. I think you can count me in."
“Discord knew statistics?”
“How else would he know if he’s being random?”
That…was an excellent point. I couldn’t argue with that.
--Forthwith, The Moon's Apprentice
"Come see the Friendship Castle, everypony! It'll eat your damn soul but colt is it pretty!"
--ManlyDerp, "If you ain't got anything nice to say..."
Even Power Chord's House of Rock, while a bit misleading, did have a pebble by its entrance which she found intriguing.
--Twinkletail, My Sediments Exactly
"She's twelve feet tall, alabaster white, and her mane glows in the dark... And you lost her."
--Princess Woona, Blackacre
"You're just mad that mom likes me better than you!"
Twilight blinked. "I didn't know you two were brother and sister."
"We aren't. My mom just likes him better."
"Yeah, she's a b*tch."
--defender2222, The Many Secret Origins of Scootaloo
Pinkie Pie didn’t have access to anything reflective enough to see her face, but on further consideration, there was only one sensible conclusion: She’d been transformed into a sasquatch.
“The... internet?”
“Oh, yes, there are plenty of sites that keep those kinds of records. I can help you find them if you don’t know where to look...” The librarian paused when she noticed that her guest’s slightly irritated gaze had morphed into something that resembled otherworldly fascination. “Sir? Are you alright?”
“Hmm?” Discord said, briefly returning from his reverie. “Yes, I’m fine. It’s just...”
“Just... what?”
“I’m not sure, but I have this strange feeling as though I’m about to have the best day of my entire life.”
"Hey, who else is going to keep you sane, if not the voice in your head?"
--Kwakerjak, Transdementia
A firm ally and free cake? Star Gazer can suck a lemon, I'm the best talker.
--Rune Soldier Dan, The Blueblood Chronicles
It began, as many mistakes do, with a restless mind coupled with the best of intentions.
"You would think so, Armor," said Lt. Weaselface, whose pegasus mother did not love him at all.
--Skywriter, The First Time You See Her
"Luna... you can't go because they think you're dead. They'd know right away you're an impostor."
"Neigh, I rose from the grave. With my moon powers."
--alarajrogers, Elements of Opposition
"Have you considered firing all your guards and replacing them with training mannequins? It'd be cheaper! I'll draw the angry faces on them myself!"
--soulpillar, The Sun & the Rose
"That's dreadfully-- Twilight, please stop laughing, I'm trying to tell your friend that wasn't funny, and your laughter is somewhat detrimental to my argument."
“I think it's utterly awful that you're discussing whether to kick a puppy or a kitten at all,” Fluttershy scolds us, looking rather upset with us... until she adds, with a cheerful smile, “when there are so many baby birds out there that would just try their absolute hardest to go as far as their little wings could carry them, if you gave them that first little push.”
"Just because I can liquify a pony doesn't mean I — you seem to have gone dreadfully green all of a sudden, which is a shame, because you're the first pony to ask a question right now that didn't annoy me."
--MrNumbers, The Demesne of the Reluctant Twilight Sparkle
"That’s easier said than done, Ditzy," I muttered.
“Like most things in life, but that doesn't matter as long as it's doable," she replied with a gentle smile, before wrapping me in a hug.
--Swan Song, This Game of Mine
I guess what I'm trying to say is...sometimes you'll fail. Maybe you'll start something, and want it so very bad, and it'll just unravel in front of you. Or you'll get so far and then realise you didn't plan it right and it just slowly ends up not working out. Sometimes you'll feel like it all should work without a hitch, but then it just...doesn't, for no reason other than bad luck. Other times you'll keep trying to improve to be good enough to do it, but you never feel like it's coming.
I lost count of the times I failed, and it hurt a lot. I fell down, I started thinking I couldn't. I never stopped being scared, and it won't ever stop being scary to fail.
But if you just keep finding a reason to get back up and try it again, maybe from a different angle, or adjust how you think about it...maybe someday, you'll find some things that'll help you get there in the end. If you don't keep trying you'll let whatever it is hanging over your head win, be it chains, your place in life or just feeling like you can't. It won't be easy, but failing...it's not the end.
--FuzzyVeeVee, Fallout: Equestria - Murky Number Seven
“Didn’t your parents teach you to knock?” Gilda let go of Grunhilda and sat, staring at the door while Grunhilda hid behind the bed.
“They did, but I heard struggling and your thrall screaming ‘no’, so I took a peek, and it sorely disappointed me.” The green griffon deadpanned at her.
--Metemponychosis, Fólkvangr
Could you be my collaborator
Thanks for the fave!
I hope you enjoy May Those Who Step Through This Door Know What It Means to Rule when you get around to reading it!
2204266 Thing is, I can't even picture that. But I think I can imagine it, and it's pretty sweet.
I JUST now realized that the gray part of your avatar is a nose. NOT a gray face with huge blue hair and a sweet hat.