• Member Since 31st Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen Nov 5th, 2023


Action and darkness. Those are my specialties

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I'm alive · 12:17am Jul 28th, 2016

Hey there. Yes you probably remember me

Well... News for everyone. I'm updating Akatsuki in Equestria. Hopefully up in a few days.

Truth be told... Hear me out. I am no longer really interested in Mlp.

Confused? I am writing simply because I was bored with a little free time and noticed my page. I am doing this because I like my story... Not because mlp because I don't really care for it anymore.

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Report chaos2012 · 990 views · Story: Akatsuki in Equestria ·

What have I written Lately?

Eclipse is best

Comments ( 100 )
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Update for the Akatsuki in Equis?

Hello old friend~

Comment posted by Listener deleted Sep 29th, 2017
  • Viewing 96 - 100 of 100
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