
Viewing 1 - 20 of 87 results

Some more things have come to light · 9:38pm Jul 2nd, 2021

MAPS as in minor-attracted person are trying to infiltrate the LGBT movement. These are the last kind of people you want in your group. They want to try to normalize pedophilia. I made some recent blog posts about the recent drama and I may have jumped the gun and I want to apologise if I spread false information. If MAPS are allowed to infiltrate the movement of the LGBT, it will receive backlash like no other, and set them back.

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Report Bendy · 402 views · #LGBT

Stonewall Inn Uprising – From Mobs To Parades · 7:24am Jun 2nd, 2022

Anyone in or allied to the LGBTQ+ community will know the name Stonewall. But there was so much more than the riots (or more appropriately referred to as the “uprising”) that took place in New York City.

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Report mimi yang · 113 views · #lgbt

Don't you think · 7:01pm Oct 29th, 2016

That there are too many homophobes in the world? I do!

Report todorokishh · 282 views · #lgbt

Manes Of Optimistic Pride Chapter 4 Permanently Outgoing · 7:51pm Jul 8th, 2022


Sweetie Belle Headcanon's · 9:09pm Jun 16th, 2018

  • Sweetie is the shortest and youngest of the CMC
  • She has Arabian breeding, but her father is an earth pony. Because of this, she has very fluffy hooves
  • Her magic gets stronger if she's singing
  • She knows Caperoia martial arts
  • She is a lot stronger than she looks, being half earth pony
  • She is bicurious
  • She will not wear make up in the future, deciding to go for a more natural look

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Trans Rights · 3:53pm Apr 13th, 2021

I know I haven’t posted a new blog post in a while, I try to avoid news over extended breaks because I tend to want to enjoy them and not constantly be barraged with news. Not having social media helps me with that.

I’m right off the heels of Spring Break, and I’m noticing a couple articles that are really not making me feel good.

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Well, it happened. Oh well. · 4:22pm Feb 9th, 2023

Accidentally tripped over spoilers for Hogwarts Legacy last night. That was always a risk when I didn't vanish from social media for however long it takes me to beat the game.

But I'm not as mad or disappointed as I thought I would be. I'm just imagining that my character had a vision and he's not sure what to make of it.

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Most genuinely surprising thing in the news lately · 5:14am Oct 10th, 2014

NBC News: Gay Marriage Gets the Green Light in West Virginia

Seriously, I thought we'd be holding out until the end with Alabama and South Carolina (though I understand SC is in the same appellate circuit as us and is falling under the same rulings, so just Alabama I guess).

Report Rinnaul · 319 views · #lgbt #rights #news

Story Placings! · 8:07pm Jul 13th, 2023

Holy cow! I'm honored to see the placings for my stories in this year's LGBT+ speedwriting contests. There were some absolutely incredible stories in all categories, and I can't wait to see what people come up with next year.

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Rainbow Dash's Headcanon's · 6:17pm Jun 15th, 2018

  • Rainbow is the second smallest out of the Mane 6
  • She comes from a long line of throughbreeds
  • She is a full blood pegasus, and as such has very powerful pegasi magic
  • She can summon lightening and tornado's if she wanted to
  • She has a lot of scars, usually from misadventures
  • She has fangs
  • She knows karate, and is a black belt in it
  • She is either a lesbian or bisexual
  • She is arguably the fastest of the Mane 6, at least in flight

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Rarity Headcanon's · 6:30pm Jun 15th, 2018

  • Rarities dad is an earth pony
  • Rarity has very weak earth pony magic because of this
  • She can sense gems and jewels from miles away, and is able to easily polish them
  • She is very good at telekinesis, to Twilight Sparkle levels of finesse
  • She is at least partially Arabian, and has very refined features because of it
  • She is bisexual
  • She knows karate and white crane kung fu
  • Being half earth pony, she does sometimes have hairy fetlocks, but she clips them off

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Apple Bloom Headcanon's · 9:41pm Jun 16th, 2018

  • Apple Bloom is the oldest and tallest of the CMC
  • She is a fullblood draft horse, but her hooves aren't really that hairy
  • She is extremely strong from working on the farm and knows kung fu
  • Her earth pony magic is tied in with alchemy and plants, which is why she can grasp it so easily
  • She does have some light freckles, they're just hard to see
  • She is probably straight- she has admired another mares beauty before, but nothing beyond that

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Starlight Glimmer Headcanon's · 7:40pm Jun 15th, 2018

  • Starlight is an Andalusian, and is a short one at that, being a couple of inches taller than Rainbow Dash. She is the third shortest of the Mane 7
  • If Twilight had not been the element of Magic, the Elements of Harmony would of have either chosen Starlight or Sunset. This is why Starlight is so powerful, there was a chance she could be an element, and there still is a chance

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Twilight Sparkle Headcanon's · 5:59pm Jun 15th, 2018

  • Even before becoming an alicorn, Twilight was the tallest and lankiest of the mane six.
  • She knows combat magic because of her brother.
  • She has difficulty tapping into earth pony magic, and that greatly annoys her.
  • She hails from the draft horse species.
  • She is one of the most powerful unicorns ever.
  • She is a bona-fide genius.
  • She had OCD.
  • She had a Canterlotian accent (it's basically an English accent) but she hides it most the time.

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LGBT Story Or Not · 7:07pm Mar 8th, 2022

This maybe out of the blue but I'm gonna be celebrating Pride Month by doing an LGBT Month of episode reviews on my Youtube Channel. And considering I've deleted my old LGBT story due to burning out stressfully, an new idea came to me but I don't think I'm gonna make it happen. It's been almost 2 and a half months since the last time I wrote a fanfic which was the 3rd chapter of Steven Universe At The Creek and even now, I'm still in a stuck position.

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First Things First · 6:28pm May 13th, 2019

Hey all, I haven't done much on here other than read but I think I would like to start a little weekly(?) blog.
As a little introduction my name is Anna. I'm a 22 year old transgender woman, a huge nerd, and a music lover. I'm also a BronyCon staff member and a full time university student.

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Report Just_Another_Brony_ · 183 views · #MLP #lgbt #blog

The LGBT initialism is becoming ridiculous. · 5:31pm Mar 23rd, 2016


Just say LGBT+.



My LGBT Story Got Revoked · 7:38am Mar 25th, 2022

The biggest reason why is that the MLP characters I used (Mainly Applejack & Rarity), aren’t main characters. To be honest, the comment section of the fanfic itself wasn’t ugly but not good. I would be bothered by this but I might as well post my LGBT story as blogs. What I am bothered is that fact that I’ve already had a story where I only use one pony character in Expansive Universe Unlike Any Other, and that story hasn’t been revoked yet.


Gay Horses · 3:04pm Nov 14th, 2022

This is just some random rant of some points that I've been mulling over on the past few days, and since its related to fandom in headcanon in many ways, I decided to stick it here as my own little outlet.

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Report Torrific · 118 views · #LGBT #queer #gay #fandom

How MLP helped me figure out my gender at a young age. · 3:07am Oct 21st, 2021

Growing up I wasn’t really comfortable with being presented as male. It made me feel really uncomfortable and jealous seeing girls wear skirts and do feminine things meanwhile I was forced to like things that were considered masculine even though I’d rather be into more feminine things like playing with girls toys and wanting to dress a girl. Unfortunately, thought my parents were very closed off when it came to expressing my gender back then. Both of them wouldn’t allow me to have anything

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 87 results