• Member Since 15th Jan, 2017
  • offline last seen Yesterday


im 27 and a die hard pegasister to the core and im mainly going to write transmare stories. but i will write others if anypony has a request please let me know. ps i won't charge you for it

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Frustrated · 9:21pm Mar 7th, 2022

Hey everypony so I was talking to my mom recently and found out that all 8 therapists I had growing up knew I was transgender. It's frustrating because I knew since kindergarten that I was trans. I tried to keep it hidden due to me being bullied and abused by my stepdad. However if I would've known my therapists knew I would've been honest with them

Report MorningRose · 190 views · #Trans
Comments ( 88 )
  • Viewing 84 - 88 of 88

Thanks for the favorites on Zephyrina/Zipp and One Mare Story as well! Stay awesome!

Your right I didn't mean to add it to twidash shelf it was a misclick. Your welcome

Thanks for the favorites on Raining.!

I'm guessing you didn't mean to add it to the TwiDash shelf at first.

I just wanted to wish you luck on your bachelor/bachelorette party:twilightsmile:

  • Viewing 84 - 88 of 88
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