• Member Since 11th Mar, 2017
  • offline last seen Last Monday


Some trust in chariots and some in horses.


Lunch · 3:12pm May 27th

I helped write a story about eating lunch. Just a few friends at a little Prench restaurant in Ponyville. Nothing of interest happens in it, I'm sure.

TIt Was Just Supposed To Be Lunch
Eating off-campus has numerous unforeseen consequences.
FanOfMostEverything · 18k words  ·  65  6 · 673 views
Report Fillyfoolish · 36 views ·


'Tis I, FIllyfoolish, the friendly local foolish filly. Ye have reached my home of sapphic adventures! Mwahaha! There might be the occasional other horse story mixed in to the bunch, but really, you're here for the shipping, aren't you?

Comments ( 27 )
  • Viewing 23 - 27 of 27

can confirm, would pickle, cool as a cucumber indeed

wait what lmao
also extremely valid, tbh who doesn’t have a crush on nonchalant, they are cool as a cucumber

possibly but it could also be my c r u s h o n n o n c h a l a n t from a few years back that i chronicalled in horse word form :twilightsheepish:

your name keeps popping up in my friendship circles and i must find out why

could it be that you’re a c o o l p e r s o n

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