• Member Since 26th Sep, 2011
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Forget not that I am a derp.


Sunset just wanted to give her friends an Equestrian experience without any magical mishaps, threats to life and limb, or tears in reality.

In hindsight, she really should have known better.

An exquisite corpse from many of the same folks who brought you Cheerilee's Normal Day, with each author only seeing the two chapters prior to theirs. Featuring the work of Jarvy Jared, PseudoBob Delightus, Dashie04, Silver Needle, EileenSaysHi, AltruistArtist, The Red Parade, Fillyfoolish, Bicyclette, The Sleepless Beholder, Rego, and yours truly.

Rated Teen for a precision F-bomb. (Hey, if it works for PG-13 movies...) Cover by PseudoBob.

Chapters (13)
Comments ( 64 )

The horse was indeed exquisite.

Surprisingly a very good story but anyone who finds this steel yourselves.

The cover looks like something from Neon Genesis Evangelion

Oooooooh, this can only end one way :pinkiecrazy:

Dunno what I was expecting, but it wasn't this.

Oh dear.
I'm beginning to see why you chose the Evangelion pic...


I actually thought this was an NGE crossover in disguise at first. I got bamboozled!

(Though there being references isn't out of the question...)

If you're saying this at chapter 3, well... Have fun!

Dun dun DUN!

(I LOVE that sketch at the end :heart:)

Don't think you're gonna need that journal, Sunset :twilightsheepish:

.....oooooooooooooooooooooooooookay :rainbowhuh: Don't remember that happening in Rainbow Rocks....

Is this another Evangelion reference? I feel like something timey-wimey just happened o.O

Of course everyone loves Wallflower; how can you not? :heart::twilightsmile::heart::rainbowkiss:

Extensive switcheroo of pony parts? I'm sure this will stay completely consistent all the way through the fic

yeah sure I'll incorporate that into my belief system

It might not be a fun adventure for them, but it’ll definitely be fun for us.

Ok that was impressively consistent. There weren't even any time elemental casualties! Except Celestia I guess but she came back for the end

Kudos to everypony involved, this was a great read

Spike and un-misplaced Fluttershy in the sketch made my day more than anything. Spike’s face is pure gold.

I can't believe you took my funny body part swapping idea and made it existential.

Thank you to all the following authors for making something so special out of my wildly-off-topic side chapter!

Well done to all who worked on this! <3

Love the cover, just finished watching whole of Neon Genesis Evangelion.

Comment posted by ScisetShimmerEvan deleted June 3rd
Comment posted by ScisetShimmerEvan deleted June 3rd
Comment posted by ScisetShimmerEvan deleted June 3rd

.... What does this have to do with Poppy Z. Brite, though?
Edit: Ok, I found the wiki page for the game, now things make marginally more sense.

Discord! Explain your presence!” commanded an unmistakable voice. The mare who shouted was tall, and had her wings spread open in a defensive stance.

Luna doesn't have her wings right now, Sunset does.

loadsa fun guys! :pinkiehappy: read up to chap 5 and am excited to see what happens next!

oh, also I gave you a recc on the first 5 chaps - there's bazillions of you, so I try my best to fit you all in :derpytongue2:


and by review I mean 'a smol'

This got too hard to follow after the draconequus face-off. Who even were those ponies? OCs i imagine.
I just skimmed the rest and it doesnt get interesting again :/

“That’s very nice of you, Sunset,” Fluttershy said, blushing, “but I, well, I’m sorry, but I don’t really feel that way about you.”

I’m sure that this will not come up again.

Pinkie thrust a fist into the air. “Yeah! Let’s get horsed!”

Fun fact: “Let’s get horsed!” was an early contender for the title of this monstrosity.

Ah yes, an ultra complex element has just been introduced. It will remain constant for the entire story 100%.

Everyhumanpony else sighed.

Everyhumanpony was also an early title idea.

He put up his appendages innocently. "No, I'm serious! That's what it's called. There's ads in the phone book. Don't ponies read , these days?"

Somehow Discord still reading phone books makes complete sense to me.

According to Pseudobob this chapter was his attempt to prevent Discord. Now given the ways that these types of stories work, it wasn’t a guarantee nothing would happen and well—

that didn’t match the curtains or the drapes.

I learned literally this morning that this is not the phrase and I even used it wrong. Oops.

who would’ve gracelessly fallen on her face

Do not know what I was going for here.

I don’t know exactly what I wanted to do with this chapter as I didn’t really know what to write in the first place. So hey, I wrote another filler chapter again! I’m too good at this stuff.

“Oh feathers,” Pony-Twilight said, turning pale. “Magical nerve fusion.”

Me trying to write a lighthearted comedy:

The exquisite corpse:

“He was a weird one, that’s for sure.” Rainbow Dash shivered. “Never seen anything like him before. If he’s all chaos-y, maybe he’s afraid of science? I know I am. I mean, with the results I got last midterm-”

Me too, human!RD

And thank you for including SilverNeedle’s notes, they are essential to the understanding of this story.

Magic Ponyland

Another contender for the title.

And Discord comes back into the story! For better or worse.

According to Eileen during the live reading, this was simply a chapter to introduce a new wrinkle into the story, because they didn’t know what do do with the prior chapter and the next author could read it. But after this, things get really insane really quickly, because that’s just how it goes.

Sunset’s girlfriend

I feel like this caused a cascade.

Gonna be honest, i lost my interest in the last chapter and my interest to keep reading died this chapter about half to most of the way in

“And you. You are a little too much of anything, whether you ‘meant it’ or not. Tell me… Do you know what happens when a fever dreamer dies?”

Okay this line goes unreasonably hard.

There were no horns nor wings to be seen on any of them.

And this plot point was immediately forgotten about.

”Usually, there’s enough latent magic that we just need some good old-fashioned gay hand-holding to ignite the harmony magic.“

The power of yuri!

lesbian linked list

Pretty sure this is the first time these words have been put together.

And once again, FillyFoolish, during the live reading, mentioned she really didn’t know what to do so she just fell on her ol’ reliable and wrote lesbians. Once again, this had consequences for the rest of the story.

Random meta-narrative as well because that’s how it goes.

But, in regards to the horror tag, this chapter and the subsequent ones were largely why I suggested putting it on there, because the implications as existential as hell coming soon. Also, a story marked with Comedy, Romance, and Horror has a powerful vibe to it.

But as FOME did say while we finished up this story, “I mean the entire universe did almost collapse… but maybe that’s more of a Drama?”


Poor Wallflower.

Now remember, Sleepless had the task of making the last two chapters fit together into some coherent sense. So, this what came out of it. It links the two together in a relatively simple way, Wallflower is a universal constant and the universe would collapse without her. It’s wild, but it does make sense, and creates a setup for the next chapter.

So shoutouts to Sleepless for making this thing work somewhat.

under her wife’s tectonic wing

This line was determined to be so badass it was also in contention for a title on that alone.

Also oops Wallflower is a goddess now.

And while all the authors did a great job at making something coherent (vaguely), this is one of the best chapters. It feels odd to say that considering I’m like the behind-the-scenes mouthpiece here (at least when it came to discussions during the live reading), but the sheer existentialism of loving everyone and no one at once makes for a wildly engaging story.

We also joked about submitting this to May Pairings because it ships Wallflower with literally every creature to ever exist. But I’m not entirely sure whether an exquisite corpse is a good submission.


Of course she has green hair and pronouns.

“... and then on Friday, we can all cheer for Rainbow Dash during her soccer game against Griffonstone High, then go and have celebratory and/or conciliatory cupcakes at the Sweet Shoppe, going by Couple Rota D-Two for who spends the most time with whom, ensuring fair and equitable access to all girlfriends. This division of emotional labor will also provide convenient jumping-off points for any more intense displays of affection that may result during or after the scheduled activities. Any questions?”

I love the detail of Sci-Twi creating a polycule schedule.

I love how I’ve been discussing the titles and FOME already put them all out in the A/N. Oh well, I guess I probably should’ve read it before leaving comments.

The closest to a different title was I Went Through a Portal and Accidentally Became the Center of the Multiverse, but it was deemed too spoilery.

Anyways good job everyone who wrote for this, I eagerly await the next one.

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