Wallflower struggles with conversation at the best of times. But when she meets the worst person in the world, Vignette Valencia, she finds her easier to talk to than anyone else.
For a long time Sunset has felt a quiet nagging feeling about not deserving everything that's happened to her since her reformation. How will she respond when she finds another feels the same?
When Adagio Dazzle finds Sunset Shimmer crying on the floor of the food court, it falls upon her both to clear her own name... and destroy whoever did this to her rightful nemesis. Adagio isn't the sharing type.
Surge the Tenrec and Kit the Fennec are transported to the human world with Chaos Control, where they meet a certain black and red hedgehog and a group of former villains.
Juniper Montage may have been given a second chance, but before she can truly embrace friendship... she'll have to overcome her crippling, deep-seated fear of it.
When Rainbow Dash gets a copy of the last Gargantulon movie for her birthday, she's left floored by its tragic ending-- which forces her to take matters into her own hands!
Wallflower overlooked something...or someone...when she started erasing the memories of Sunset Shimmer. He was able to help Sunset when no one else was able to help.
Juniper and Twilight walk through Canterlot Mall, reflecting on their respective lives and futures. And maybe the occasional contingency plan for the inevitable robot apocalypse.
Starlight Glimmer has been granted a few extra days in the mirror world, and is set to explore the strange sights around her with newfound friends like Sunset Shimmer by her side.