A Suit With SincerityPretending to be Rarity's boyfriend at her cousin's wedding isn't the weirdest thing Sunset Shimmer has ever had to do for her friends. It might even be fun. But just what is Rarity hoping to get out of this subterfuge in the first place?by Oroboro
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AnamnesisSunset and Twilight learn of their intertwined past.by Albi
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My Kind of CrazySkystar never got a chance to make friends. Pinkie’s determined to show her how. Clearly, this will involve swing dancing.by Amber Spark
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Danny has recently been diagnosed with depression and anxiety. Along with his medication, he is assigned a fuzzy blue helper to get him back on his feet with plenty of affection and a listening ear.
When one fateful search through the Everfree Forest leads Rarity to a secret library inhabited by the spirit of an ancient alicorn princess, she realises that it may be time to start believing in fairy tales.
Like You Missed MeTwilight wants to tell her special somepony about her awful day. Her special somepony is having none of it.by Rose Quill
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My Continuities
HomecomingSunset Shimmer recieves devastating news from her previous world of Equestria. Twilight Sparkle of the human world accompanies her on her journey back home to help support her in her time of need.by Rose Quill
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Year's EndFluttershy is trying to get to the New Year's celebration.by Rose Quill
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Walk in the DarknessTwilight takes a wound protecting Rarity from a bandit attack, however would she repay such an act?by Rose Quill
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