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Amber Spark

"Do it with love, do it with passion and never dream small!” - Author, Designer & Creator - Patreon/Ko-Fi


Skystar never got a chance to make friends. Pinkie’s determined to show her how.

Clearly, this will involve swing dancing.

Concept inspired by just how adorable Pinkie and Skystar are and a conversation with Corejo and DwarvishPony in Cynewulf's Discord Server! You can find a copy of the conversation in this blog!

Covert Art: Little-Tweenframes
Cover Text & Section Break Design: Novel Idea
Pinkie Pie Cutie Mark: BlackGryph0n

Cast: Pinkie Pie & Lady Skystar
Co-Starring: Ambassador Novo & The Canterlot High Seven with Principal Celestia & Vice Principal Luna

Beta Reader & Editor Credits!
Ebon Quill - Author, Cackling GM, Audio Director & Quest Designer on The Manehattan Project
Little Tinker: Bouncy Cheer Pony, Master of Systems at Poniverse & Scripting Engineer on The Manehattan Project
Beltorn: Commenter-at-Large on FimFiction
JayMan155: Artist & Author Extraordiane!
Cursori: Reader of Many a Pony Word
Heartshine: Smol Pegsus, Big Heart

Special Thanks!
Rose Quill: Brilliant Swingin' Lyricist and the one who perfected the song "My Kind of Crazy!"
Aragon: Brilliant Synopsis Engineer
Monochromatic: Brilliant Synopsis Tailor

Word Count: 30,000 words
Version: 3.0

Chapters (7)
Comments ( 275 )

As a supporter of this ship, and Swing, I approve! Also, Stratus, total dick.

I will not lie: In that moment immediately after I saw the cover image, but before I had read the description, In the Mood popped into my head.

Sorta same thing here, though in my case it was a Big Bad Voodoo Daddy song, namely this one.

Loving this! So adorable!

Dawww...this is adorable. I can't believe there aren't more stories with this ship in it. I mean, seriously, I totally got far more shipping vibes between Pinkie and Skystar than I ever got between Twilight and Tempest...yet for some reason that's the one everyone seems busy writing.

Adding this to my favorites. I love it.

Not only was this absolutely adorable, but Pinkie Pie was an absolute joy to read!

The world needs more of this ship. I'm looking forwards to reading more! :twilightsmile:

Stratus is just doin' his job! Heh. He'll... actually, no, he's pretty grumpy most of the time. :rainbowlaugh:

"In the Mood" is the name of Chapter 4! So perfection!

That's a great example of the sheer ENERGY of the song they're dancing to!

Thank you!!!!!


I mean, seriously, I totally got far more shipping vibes between Pinkie and Skystar than I ever got between Twilight and Tempest...yet for some reasonthat'sthe one everyone seems busy writing.

Everyone loves Hasbro EdgeHorse! And Pinkie and Skystar are actually a bit hard to write! Maybe it's that? But you are so right! WE NEED MORE!

Thank you!!!!


Not only was this absolutely adorable, but Pinkie Pie was an absolute joy to read!

Thank you kindly! She's so fun to write! And you'll get even more tomorrow!!!!

It's so completely adorable and I'm really looking forward to the dancing. Also, if Human-Seaquestria turns out to be Wakanda or otherwise be up to magical shenanigans, I'm already anticipating sequels...

I suppose then that the only real question is whether or not Pinkie will introduce Skystar to her good friend. But then, maybe not. I heard they drafted him to play bugle for Company B....

Well, sheer energy and infectious beats kinda fit both Pinkie and Skystar do they not?

I love Pinky’s depth in this story. I’m just confused about a few things. Why is Pinky wearing a dancing outfit, not that she needs a reason to be adorable. Is it a school day, and Pinky’s at the beach before school? And where is everyone but sunset?

I'm surprised this is the first PinkiexSkystar fic I've seen, having never searched for one. Like seriously.

One small thing, so much we can create
You and me, we started something great
It's so amazing, look around
At all the happy sights and sounds
One small thing is big, it's true
You did this all for us

:pinkiehappy: Very cute! As others have said, it's a shame there's not more of this ship running around, though it's probably because Pinkie is difficult to write and kinda polarizing as a character. But I think you've done a pretty good job with her, and I'm definitely looking forward to seeing how the love between these two blooms over the course of the fic.

If there's one thing I've learned from working with Cynewulf, it's that EVERYTHING good starts in Cynewulf's discord server. This should be a blast.

I can neither confirm or deny what her home may or may not be.

I think he decided to let someone step in for him! We'll see though... who knows?!

Dang skippy!

Pinkie will explain her outfit soon! And Sunset's showing up soon! Don't worry, everyone's here and accounted for!


I'm surprised this is the first PinkiexSkystar fic I've seen, having never searched for one. Like seriously.

Well, I think this might be the first EqG one (though I haven't looked either!) I'm thrilled you love it and hope you continue to do so!


because Pinkie is difficult to write and kinda polarizing as a character.

She is! Once I get in the right mindset, I can write her out wonderfully, but I had to work to get there! I'm glad you're liking it!!!!! :pinkiehappy:

I always like seeing skilled authors write for Pinkie. She's one of those characters that some people can delve into and pull off fantastically, and I look to them for inspiration on how to utilize her character in an effective and enjoyable way.

Skystar, admittedly, hasn't been on the forefront of my mind much post-movie though that's more on me than it is her -- she was super fun and bubbly there, after all, and those are always characters I can get behind. She's already got me in her corner as far as this fic goes, for sure.

Anyway; this was a really cute and fun read -- since it's you, Novel: that's not surprising in the slightest! -- and I'm looking forward to seeing more of it down the line. Good luck! Hope to see my tracking notification light up real soon!

all right you sold pinkie X skystar lets see how this new O.T.P. goes.:pinkiehappy:


I've always been more of a pinkieshy shipper and i have issues with the "everyone in this universe is gay " narrative

but i like skystar so ill read it


Anyway; this was areallycute and fun read -- since it's you, Novel: that's not surprising in the slightest! -- and I'm looking forward to seeing more of it down the line. Good luck! Hope to see my tracking notification light up real soon!

Awww! Thank you so much! I worked really hard on this Pinkie and I'm REALLY glad it paid off so well for you!
You'll be seeing the next one at noon (Pacific) today!


all right you sold pinkie X skystar lets see how this new O.T.P. goes.:pinkiehappy:

Yes...another for the cult ship!

Well, this looks like it's going to be adorable. I just hope Pinkie doesn't cause too many international and/or interdimensional incidents over the course of the story. Eagerly looking forward to more.

No promises about inter-thing incidents! It's Pinkie! She answers to a Higher Authority: Smiles!


Ah, PACIFIC noon. I'm much less confused now.

And if this doesn't end in an international incident and/or sneaking around in clearly restricted sections of the embassy and/or illicit dance parties at diplomatic functions? Something has gone horribly wrong. :)

I was going to hold off on reading this, wait for it to be a bit more complete. Then I saw that Rose Quill had a hand in the project, and I just could not wait any longer. Great so far! Looking forward to more!


And if this doesn't end in an international incident and/or sneaking around in clearly restricted sections of the embassy and/or illicit dance parties at diplomatic functions? Something has gone horribly wrong. :)

We'll see! Pinkie doesn't HAVE to do something in a restricted section. You think she can't PINKIE her way into to the main dance hall on her own? :pinkiegasp:

Ha! Gotcha! Don't worry, you'll get the next chapter really soon!

Hah! Það er sætt saga. Mér líkar við pörunina.

(After using Google Translate)
Thank you! Hopefully, you enjoy the rest!

This is adorable. I also really like the SciSet subplot.

Come on! This is me! How could I not slip that in? But who knows what will happen? After all, it's just a hunch. Doesn't mean anything's going to happen. Nope. Not at all. :moustache:

I mean, I've already pledged myself to the Sunlight Ship. :sunsetsmirk:

Speaking of, how close is SSII to being done?

The project ended last night with Posh's chapter! It'll go through some editing and then I'll put it up as a proper story, maybe with even a bonus Epilogue!

before i read this i just have one question (and yes i am asking seriously) Who is Skystar, I have not heard of her

Sunset laughed. “Rainbow got the Rainbooms booked tonight at the Tempest Jazz Club on Venture Lane.”

Uh-huh. Am I to assume then that this jazz club also has Grubber as the doorman, Capper as the bartender, is owned by the Storm King and has Celeano and her gang as regulars?

Go watch the My Little Pony Movie. It came out last year. You will soon find out.

I couldn't stop grinning! The joy just flows off the page. :pinkiehappy:

Something's going to go wrong, isn't it? :facehoof:

Releasing a bit early? Heresy! Seriously though, good chap!

There's a terrible habit I have developed where I don't read the narrative, and instead skip from dialogue to dialogue. This is because I've read a lot of fanfic in the last few years, and all too often found that the narrative isn't worth reading--it's the same old filler, the position of "Celestia's sun," a hundred words wasted on moving the setting to Sugarcube Corner, yet another sudden tragedy taking up the first half of chapter 3 that's obviously going to turn out to be a dream sequence. It's not that it's necessarily bad; sometimes words are required in order to get from point A to point B. It's just that I've read them so often that I can parse blocks of text into single objects, condense the opening paragraph into "morning, Ponyville," and know that even if I don't bother to read all the words, I'm not missing anything.

This story is the opposite of that, and I can't describe what a pleasure it is to read. Every sentence has got something unexpected going on--even the expected ones. It's like reading GhostOfHeraclitus without the snark1, or Carabas without the Machiavelli. To prevent myself from falling into my own trap, I'll leave it at this: this is really, really good.

Also, it's refreshing to see proper attention paid, finally, to shoe nomenclature. Though I admit it's a bit confusing that in the cover art, Pinkie is wearing Mary Janes, while Skystar is wearing T-strap high heel sandals. In fact, from the level of confusion that the shoes produce, it sounds very much as if Pinkie may be wearing T-strap Mary Janes, which, while not as adorable as plain-Jane Mary Janes, do have their own charms when combined with an anklet sock.

1Or the footnotes.

This made me smile the entire time I was reading it, and I want more. :pinkiehappy:


Oh HER! LOL I totally forgot her name!:twilightsheepish:

Oh good, I was worried there for a sec!


Uh-huh. Am I to assume then that this jazz club also has Grubber as the doorman, Capper as the bartender, is owned by the Storm King and has Celeano and her gang as regulars?

No comment.

Why would something go wrong? It's all sunshine and rainbow ALL THE WAY THROUGH. :pinkiehappy:

Early? I did it within 60 seconds of Noon Pacific!

Oooooh! Yay! A totally non-evil smile not caused by the suffering of your readers! :pinkiehappy:


There's a terrible habit I have developed where I don't read the narrative, and instead skip from dialogue to dialogue

That IS a terrible habit, but I'll admit to being someone who occasionally does that as well. Usually, though, it's because I'm so eager to find out what happens next!

It's just that I've read them so often that I can parse blocks of text into single objects, condense the opening paragraph into "morning, Ponyville," and know that even if I don't bother to read all the words, I'm not missing anything.

The true trick of it is that if you see "Morning, Ponyville" through the eyes of each of the Mane 6, they're all going to see it differently. Twilight's not going to see anything because she's levitating a book in front of her face. AJ's going to head straight to the market and check out the competition. Pinkie's going to see all of her friends wandering around and greet everypony in sight. Fluttershy is going to glance at the small gopher burrow in the shrubs of Lyra's house and wave at the residents inside. Rainbow's going to see everything as a blur of color since she's bolting through there. Rarity's going to spy Bon Bon's new hat and carefully consider a new fashion line.

I know a lot of folks don't try and actually show personality through narrative, but it's been something I've been super focused on developing!

I'll leave it at this: this is really, really good.

Yay! Thank you!! Those are some big names to be compared to!

Though I admit it's a bit confusing that in the cover art, Pinkie is wearing Mary Janes, while Skystar is wearing T-strap high heel sandals. In fact, from the level of confusion that the shoes produce, it sounds very much as if Pinkie may be wearingT-strap Mary Janes,which, while not as adorable as plain-Jane Mary Janes, do have their own charms when combined with an anklet sock.

I'm absolutely sure that wasn't done intentionally at all to screw with anyone just for kicks and to test to see how closely people pay attention... :trollestia:

Sorry FimFiction seems to be broken. I can't like your story twice

Make alt accounts!

No, seriously, don't do that, please! :twilightoops:

Mmm, yes, this shall do. Perfect.

You've managed to capture exactly why I love writing Pinkie, and you manage to make it feel so natural, too. I am envious.

Side note, was there some implied one-sided SunPie history in this chapter, or am I reading too much into things?

Pinkie's... Pinkie's strange to write for. It's very much a thing where I can't decide to make it happen. I have to let it happen. I've never written a character quite like her before.

Side note, was there some implied one-sided SunPie history in this chapter, or am I reading too much into things?

Well, there's some sort of implication there. Who knows what it could be? Something definitely happened. Sunset was definitely involved!

And she didn’t think Miss Free Beats, the Canterlot High music teacher, would be very happy if she came in later to an exploded piano.

Cameo found! :rainbowdetermined2:

Anyway, another solid chapter! Pinkie's crush is adorable, as is the Sunlight (as always). Definitely looking forward to seeing Pinkie and Skystar's reunion (even though it's only been like less than an hour or something) and also the first proper appearance of Queen Novo.

I interpreted it as pre-reform Sunset having interfered with Pinkie's love life, personally.

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